crushed at right angles to their length. Until the cell cavities are completely collapsed, wood is not
as strong perpendicular to the grain as it is parallel to the grain. However, once the wood cell
cavities collapse, wood can sustain a nearly immeasurable load in C
. Because a true ultimate stress
is nearly impossible to achieve, maximum C
in the sense of ultimate load-carrying capacity is
undefined and discussions of C
are usually confined to stress at some predetermined limit state
such as the proportional limit or 4% deflection.
Compression-perpendicular-to-the-grain stresses are found whenever one member is supported
upon another member at right angles to the grain. Examples of compression perpendicular to the
grain are the bearing areas of a beam, truss, or joist.
The C
strength is derived by:
= P/A (11.6)
where C
is the stress in compression perpendicular to the grain, P is the proportional limit load,
and A is the area. Tension Parallel to the Grain
A tension parallel to the grain (T
) stress is a force trying to elongate the wood cells, or straws
in our straw example. Wood is extremely strong in T
. The distance through which tensile stress
is transmitted does not increase the stress. The T
is difficult to measure because of the difficulty
in securely gripping the tensile specimen in the testing machine, especially with clear straight-
grained wood. Often T
of clear straight-grain wood is conservatively estimated by the MOR
(ultimate strength in bending). This conversion is accepted because bending failure of clear
wood often occurs on the lower face of a bending specimen where the lower face fibers are
under tensile-type stresses. An example of tension parallel to the grain would be the bottom
chord of a truss that is under tensile stress. The T
strength of wood is derived by the following
= P/A (11.7)
where T
is the stress in tension parallel to the grain, P is the maximum load, and A is the area. Tension Perpendicular to Grain
Tension perpendicular to the grain (T
) is induced by a tensile force applied perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the wood cell. In this case, the straws (or wood cells) are being pulled apart
at right angles to their length. The T
is extremely variable and is often avoided in discussions on
wood mechanics. However, T
stresses often cause cleavage or splitting failures along the grain,
which can dramatically reduce the structural integrity of large beams. Failures from T
are some-
times found in large beams that dry while in service. For example, if a beam is secured by a top
and a bottom bolt at one end, shrinkage may eventually cause cleavage or splitting failures between
the top and bottom boltholes. Wood can be cleaved by T
forces at a relatively light load. It is this
weakness that is often exploited in karate and other demonstrations of human strength. The T
strength of wood is derived by the following:
= P/A (11.8)
where T
is the stress in tension perpendicular to the grain, P is the maximum load, and A is the area. Page 315 Thursday, December 2, 2004 4:44 PM
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