specific bonding process. Both give the adhesive time to penetrate into the wood prior to bond
formation, but the open assembly time will cause loss of solvent or water from the formulation.
Long open times can cause the adhesive to dry out on the surface causing poor bonding because
flow is needed for bonding to the substrate. In the bonding process, pressure is used to bring the
surfaces closer together. In some cases, heat and moisture are used during the bonding process,
both of which will make the adhesive more fluid and the wood more deformable (Green et al. 1999).
For any type of bond to form, molecular-level contact is required. Thus, the adhesive has to
flow over the bulk surface into the voids caused by the roughness that is present with almost all
surfaces. Many factors control the wetting of the surface, including the relative surface energies of
the adhesive and the substrate, viscosity of the adhesive, temperature of bonding, pressure on the
bondline, etc. Wood is a more complex bonding surface than what is generally encountered in most
adhesive applications. Wood is very anisotropic because the cells are greatly elongated in the
longitudinal direction, and the growth out from the center of the tree makes the radial properties
different from the tangential properties. Wood is further complicated by differences between heart-
wood and sapwood, and between earlywood and latewood. Adding in tension wood, compression
wood, and slope of grain increases the complexity of the wood adhesive interaction. The manner
in which the surface is prepared also influences the wetting process. These factors are discussed in
later sections of this chapter and in the literature (River et al. 1991), but for now we will assume
that the adhesive is formulated and applied in such a manner that it properly wets the surface.
Adhesion refers to the interaction of the adhesive surface with the substrate surface. It must not be
confused with bond strength. Certainly if there is little interaction of the adhesive with the adherent,
these surfaces will detach when force is applied. However, bond strength is more complicated because
factors such as stress concentration, energy dissipation, and weakness in surface layers often play a
more important role than adhesion. Consequentially, the aspects of adhesion are a dominating factor
in the bond formation process, but may not be the weak link in the bond breaking process.
It is important to realize that, although some theories of adhesion emphasize mechanical aspects
and others put more emphasis on chemical aspects, chemical structure and interactions determine
the mechanical properties and the mechanical properties determine the force that is concentrated
on individual chemical bonds. Thus, the chemical and mechanical aspects are linked and cannot
be treated as completely distinct entities. In addition, some of the theories emphasize macroscopic
effects while others are on the molecular level. The discussion of adhesion theories here is brief
because they are well covered in the literature (Schultz and Nardin 2003, Pocius 2002), and in
reality, most strong bonds are probably due to a combination of the ideas listed in each theory.
In a mechanical interlock, the adhesive provides strength through reaching into the pores of
the substrate (Packham 2003). An example of mechanical interlock is Velcro; the intertwining of
the hooked spurs into the open fabric holds the pieces together. This type of attachment provides
great resistance to the pieces sliding past one another, although the resistance to peel forces is only
marginal. In its truest sense, a mechanical interlock does not involve the chemical interaction of
the adhesive and the substrate. In reality, there are friction forces preventing detachment, indicating
interaction of the surfaces. For adhesives to form interlocks, they have to wet the substrate well
enough so that there are some chemical as well as mechanical forces in debonding. For a mechanical
interlock to work, the tentacles of adhesive must be strong enough to be load bearing. The size of
the mechanical interlock is not defined, although the ability to penetrate pores becomes more
difficult and the strength becomes less when the pores are narrower. It should be noted that generally
mechanical interlocks provide more resistance to shear forces than to normal forces. Also, many
substrates do not have enough roughness to provide sufficient addition to bond strength from the
mechanical interlock. Roughing of the substrate surface by abrasion, such as grit blasting or
abrasion, normally overcomes this limitation.
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