82 3 Link-Level Aspects
feedback loop, MIMO DFE decouples the MIMO ISI channel into a set of N
allel (near AWGN) channels with individual signal-to-noise ratios. Details on this
MIMO DFE can be found in [1,27].
The competing approach is to treat MUI and ISI separately. In MIMO systems
temporal equalization can be performed by applying an OFDM transmitter and
OFDM receiver (using a (inverse) discrete Fourier transform ((I)DFT) of length D)
to each transmit and receive antenna, respectively. Thereby, the MIMO ISI channel
is decomposed into a set of D independent flat fading MIMO channels. Then, for
each of this parallel flat fading MIMO channels (the tones), spatial equalization is
performed individually, e.g., by (sorted) DFE (aka V-BLAST) [28] per carrier. In
this situation, in total N
D parallel, independent (almost AWGN) channels, each
with its own signal-to-noise ratio, result.
Both strategies hence result in a set of parallel channels with varying reliability. In
such cases, performance can be (significantly) improved by applying an optimized,
nonuniform distribution of total rate and total power to the parallel channels. In
particular, the loading algorithm given in [24] results in averaged channels; the SNR
of each channel is then given by the geometric mean of the initial channels.
Main result of [5] is that only when using this type of loading, single- (joint spa-
tial/temporal DFE) and multicarrier modulation (OFDM with DFE per carrier)
perform the same. This result holds for both, uncoded error rate, as well as achiev-
able sum capacity. If loading is not active, the SC scheme significantly outperforms
the MC approach as, due to the combination in the feedforward filter, the SC schemes
is able to utilize the full diversity offered by the channel. Without loading, OFDM
exhibits only the diversity order one, that of flat fading channels. Employing rate
and power loading is hence the key that both systems provide the same performance.
3.6.3 Up- and Downlink Scenarios in Multiuser
We now turn to the situation of multiuser communications, i.e., K individual users
want to communicate with a central base station (using N
≥ K antennas). Having
the uplink-downlink duality [19,33–35] in mind, both cases can be treated similarly to
a large extent. Compared to the problem discussed above, in the multiuser setting,
not (only) the sum capacity of the error rate is of interest but the rate regions, i.e.,
the region of admissible rates of the users have to be considered.
First, transmission in the multipoint-to-point scenario (uplink), where a multiple
access channel (MAC) is present, is studied. Here, the same receiver-side joint equal-
ization schemes as in the point-to-point situation above can be used, as none of them
requires joint transmitter-side operations. Consequently, the SC spatial/temporal
DFE and the MC OFDM/DFE per carrier systems achieve the same sum rate.
However, when assuming perfect feedback in the DFE, the user detected last in
each carrier of the MC scheme “sees” an interference-free (clean) channel. Hence,
with respect to the rate of a particular user it is best to detect this user last in
each carrier.
This user then has a rate as if there were no interference at all.
In most situations a global sorting in the DFE part of the OFDM scheme is sufficient. Sorting
per carrier offers a higher degree of freedom for rate distribution between the users but does