Fig. 11 corresponding to 16 hours (7.2 PV) and 17 hours (7.7
PV) of water injection, respectively. One can see that the
displacement of oil is completed almost perfectly.
Analysis of Experimental Results
Due to the fact that the experiments ended differently, we
were able to compare the results up to the second stage of both
experiments. This section shows the comparison graphically.
Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of the sets of
water saturation images were calculated. All these images
were obtained using a color map for values above 50% of
water or oil saturation, respectively. These 3-D images show
more clearly how the fluids actually flow through the fractured
porous media. This work was intended to show the differences
between the flow patterns for different fracture thicknesses.
The reconstructed images are shown in Fig. 12. Each image
corresponds to a specific time. Thus, the first image on the
left-hand side of Fig. 12 is compared to the first one of the
right hand side of the same Fig. 12. The second image on the
left hand side was computed for the same time as the second
image on the right hand side, and so on. There, we can see that
the water front for the wider fracture system moves at almost
at the same speed as the water front for the narrow fracture
system does. For instance, one can see that after 1.5 hours of
water injection, the water front of the narrow fracture system
seems to be ahead of the front for the wide fracture system;
however, after two hours of water injection water has filled up
both systems.
Similarly, the 3-D oil injection history was also
reconstructed. Since the oil saturations were low for both
cases, it is a bit harder to see the differences. It is possible to
see that the thinner fracture system has higher oil saturation
close to the fracture. This is shown in Fig.13. One can see that
the narrow fracture system has lighter colors close to the
injection surface. We can also see that for the case of the wide
fracture system, the oil does not penetrate. Furthermore, oil
flows almost completely through the fracture. This is shown in
all the images on the right hand side of Fig. 13 by the almost
white horizontal line that corresponds to the fracture.
Remember that for the case of oil injection stages, darker
means lower oil saturation.
Numerical Simulation Results
Numerical simulations of the experiments using a commercial
reservoir simulator were conducted to study fracture relative
permeability and matrix/fracture interaction, to match previous
experimental results, and to provide experimental-numerical
based suggestions how to simulate multiphase flow in
fractured porous media.
A cubic Cartesian gridding proportional to the cores was
designed in such a way that we had three different “boxes”.
Two of them simulate the top and bottom blocks with matrix
rock properties; i.e., matrix capillary pressure curves, matrix
relative permeability curves, matrix absolute permeability,
porosity, and the other set of blocks simulate the horizontal
fracture with fracture properties; i.e., large absolute
permeability, fracture capillary pressure curves, and fracture
relative permeability curves. It was assumed that relative
permeability and capillary pressure in the matrix are constant.
For the water-air cases, we used the curves presented by
Persoff et. al. (1991) for matrix relative permeability and the
ones measured by Sanyal (1972) for matrix capillary pressure.
For the oil-water cases, we used the matrix capillary pressure
curves presented by Sanyal (1972). Unfortunately, no relative
permeability curves for oil-water system in Boise sandstone
have been reported, so we followed the procedure presented
by Purcell(1949) to obtain the matrix relative permeability
Fracture relative permeability and capillary pressure
curves were obtained by history matching the experiments.
Sensitivity analysis of parameters such as fracture relative
permeability, capillary pressure in the fracture, and fracture
width have been completed. We considered each parameter
First, we studied capillary pressure in the fracture under
the assumption that it is a linear function of water saturation.
Different cases for capillary pressure curves and relative
permeability curves for the fracture are shown in Fig. 14. It is
important to note that for fracture relative permeability curves,
the lower the slope of the straight line, the higher the
resistance to flow through the fracture. Starting with a high
capillary pressure in the fracture, we observed that the matrix
front matched well, but the breakthrough time was faster
compared to our experimental results. We decreased the slope
of the straight line capillary pressure in the fracture up to a
point in which the breakthrough time as well as the matrix
front matched the experiments. For the sake of completeness,
we also studied extreme cases that are often used in real
practice such as very low and no capillary pressure in the
fracture, although neither one resembled experimental data.
The no capillary pressure case showed us that the blocks
worked independently, so the capillary continuity that we had
seen in the experiments did not occur in the numerical studies.
After obtaining the proper description of capillary pressure
in the fracture, we continued by studying the effect of fracture
relative permeability curves. The assumption of fracture
relative permeability equal to phase saturation is often used in
numerical simulation. This assumption suggests, no resistance,
ideal flow of fluids in the fractures, such that inside the
fracture the phases can move past each other without
hindrance. However, if relative permeabilities with a slope
less than 1.0 are used, the effective total mobility is reduced.
Pan and Wang (1996) discussed that higher resistance in the
fractures must be used, such as 0.75 and 0.6 slope straight
lines instead. Our results show that the best matches are
achieved when an 0.6 slope is used. This indicates that the
presence of a small amount of one phase interferes
significantly with the flow of the other phase.
In order to obtain the best match, we also examined the
heterogeneities present in the systems, especially in the wide
fracture system. We ran different heterogeneous cases until we
obtained better matches. We achieved this goal by assigning
higher porosity (14%) to the bottom block and lower porosity
(13%) to the top block. The results for this case are shown in