Marketing Dynamics: Theory and Practice
It is important for the company to consider, how well competition satisfies the needs of potential
customers in the selected markets. Also to determine the best fit of the firm’s strategies in the
determined market segment or niche. Should the firm offer a better location, convenience, better
price, later hours, better quality, and better service, may be the further interest of the firm to gain the
competitive advantage.
Conversation with suppliers can help the firm a great deal about how industry works and what
trends are taking place in the market. They may be able to give valuable information about pricing
techniques and mark ups, about the fastest moving lines, objectives of selling activities, and why
some competitors are successful. Conversation with the customers or potential customers can give
insight into what their needs are. They can indicate what they look for in industry, what they think of
competition, what price they might pay and what level of service they like.
Now more than ever, companies see the power of a strong brand. At a time, when battered
investors, customers, and employees are questioning whom they can trust, the ability of a
familiar brand to deliver proven value flows straight to the bottom line. The BMW holds the
bottom line of customers to make decision on the best brand for satisfying the highest value
for money. The company spends hundreds of millions on aggressive communications and
upgrades the range of accessories that bear the AT&T-BMW name in order to shed its
stodgy me too image. The objective of BMW Mexico is to offer the life time guarantee to the
client, the one who enjoys the pleasure to lead. In order to obtain this goal, the company not
only puts all efforts offering automobiles of high technology, but also delivers the customized
services on the lines of the corporate policy. The company’s office in Mexico offers 2 years
of guarantee without any mileage restrictions and 6 years of guarantee against corrosion of
the body, whenever the automobile is registered with the authorized network BMW Mexico.
Besides, 2 years of guarantee is offered to the buyer in original spare parts of BMW without
any mileage limitations. All the vehicles and motorcycles of BMW are being sold in the
authorized BMW showrooms in Mexico from November 2001. A BMW not only allows the
buyer to enjoy the technology as he leads in the life but also brings him the updated
technological innovations at the reasonable costs of maintenance. The BMW Mexico
offers the driver’s safety course for the owners of BMW. Thousands of participants confirm
every year that this initiative of BMW for greater security and sovereignty in the traffic is a
great success. The PEGASO, Center of Training in Private Security and its Instructors
certified by BMW guarantee that the highly skilled methods and techniques are imparted to
the clients by the professional mechanical engineers of the company. In order to offer, the
highest level of professionalism in the training courses, PEGASO facilities, Center of Training
in Deprived Security, are established in important places which allows optimum learning and
enhance the driving skills.
Surveys and Focus Groups represent more formal ways of getting insight from customers. If
there are specific information requirements for an identified target group, it is likely that the firm
can undertake a useful survey. A focus group involves getting feedback from a specially picked
group using controlled interview techniques. However, designing an unbiased questionnaire may
require attention to detail. The process usually allows the participants to provide their opinions,
1 For details refer BMW Mexico information page at www.bme.com.mx