validated, interlinked in optimized physical and chemical processes and eco-
nomically designed and assessed in the framework of today’s energetic context.
The content presents successively (a) the raw material handling involving the
raw materials characterization and the green supply chain management modeling,
(b) the process modeling and simulation with the modeling of the reactors
encountered in syngas generation and purification, with the emerging technologies
on syngas purification by adsorption processes, with the modeling of the hydrogen
production and the carbon dioxide separation with the Water Gas Shift Membrane
Reactor, and with the appropriate representation by means of a process super-
structure mathematic tool of all possible flowsheets for the production of a given
product from different raw materials using different process units, and (c) the
conceptual design and decision-making support for the global clean gas process
synthesis and optimization and for the selection of the best designs for specific
applications, and finally industrial data collection and several examples of
industrial applications are presented with successful case studies and also limita-
tions, ranging from clean power generation to complex combined heat and power
systems and high purity hydrogen for use in fuel cells.
Summarizing the book, contains two main areas. The first area focuses on the
improvement of the conceptual design of syngas production and purification both
with the scientific advancement of improved and emerging innovative technolo-
gies and with the development of better performing models. The other area focuses
on the modeling, validation, and technico-economical evaluation of improved and
innovative systems for clean syngas production, targeted to enhance the industrial
design of gasification processes at a preliminary stage. Moreover it has to be
underlined and emphasized that a state of the art systems approach is used
throughout the book: a process superstructure is introduced to describe the flow-
sheet configurations for intermediate syngas production aiming at power and
hydrogen production. This process superstructure is based on commercial and
custom-made simulation tools, which are standards-compliant, interoperable and
open to future developments. And as explained by the author of the book, Pro-
fessor Puigjaner, the reader is guided in the use of the superstructure, which acts as
a versatile and flexible tool for the preliminary design of novel process alternatives
and redesign of existing ones, and serves to improve the operating conditions of
the real process plant. And in all cases, several process-wide performance indi-
cators related to the simultaneous consideration of economic and environmental
aspects are considered for optimization of the best design.
As mentioned previously, this book illustrates what I call the modern green and
sustainable chemical and process engineering in presenting for the first time the
most recent concepts, methods, and techniques for the preliminary conceptual
design and optimization of most promising emerging technologies for the pro-
duction of clean quality syngas upon demand from low-cost solid biomass and
organic wastes under simultaneous economical and environmental constraints.
Moreover the design strategy presented in this guide allows a tailor-made
design for several processes other than syngas production, where an appraisal of
technico-economical feasibility and environmental improvement in the system
vi Foreword