The plasmon dispersion curves for a MWCNT with a number of walls N =
10 are shown in Fig. 1. The two-fluid model reproduces the ı + ʌ bands found
by Yannouleas et al. in (Yannouleas et al., 1996), as well as the quasi-acoustic ʌ
bands. Note that the ten ʌ bands from each wall coincide for m = 0 as shown in
Fig. 1, left, while splitting of the acoustic bands occurs for higher m values as
shown in Fig. 1, right, for m = 1.
Figure 2. Stopping Power (in atomic units) for an ion moving with speed v along the nanotube
axis is shown for (left) a MWCNT with a
= 3.6 ǖ and inter-wall separation ǻ = 3.4 ǖ in vacuum
for N = 1 (dashed line), 2 (dotted line), 10 (thin line), and 20 (thick line) walls and (right) a
SWCNT with a
= 7 ǖ in vacuum (thin line) and embedded in a dielectric media of İ = 4 (thick
line). The low-velocity peaks correspond to energy-loss to the quasi-acoustic plasmons.
The two-fluid model stopping power for N = 1, 2, 10, and 20 walls is shown
in Fig. 2, left, for an ion traversing the carbon nanotube axis. We notice that as
the number of walls increases, the stopping power becomes much more
pronounced at higher velocities. In Fig. 2, right, we find that an embedding
dielectric media of İ = 4 causes the stopping power of a SWCNT to both
decrease and shift to lower velocities, as found for metallic nanotubes (Prodan
et al., 2002). These results suggest that using SWCNTs and an embedding
dielectric media may be employed to reduce the stopping power in the high
velocity regime and facilitate channeling of fast ions.
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