norm-squared of the function f :
N(f) ≡ (f, w f) =
dx w(x) (f(x))
, (4.192)
It is useful also to define more general bilinear functionals Ω(f, g) and N(f, g), by
Ω(f, g) ≡ (f
, P g
) − (f, Q g) ,
N(f, g) = ≡ (f, w g) . (4.193)
Comparing with (4.191) and (4.192), we see that Ω(f) = Ω(f, f ), and N(f) = N(f, f).
Note that other properties of these functionals are
N(f, g) = N(g, f) ,
N(f + g) = N(f) + N(g) + 2N(f, g) ,
Ω(f, g) = Ω(g, f) , (4.194)
Ω(f + g) = Ω(f) + Ω(g) + 2Ω(f, g) ,
Ω(f, g) = −(f, Lg) = −(Lf, g) ,
where as us ual L is the Sturm-Liouville operator, Lu = (P u
+ Q u. Note that in deriv-
ing the last line, we must assume that the functions f and g satisfy our Sturm-Liouville
boundary conditions, so the boundary terms from integrations by parts can be dropped.
All functions that we shall consider from now on will be assumed to satisfy these boundary
conditions. We shall sometimes refer to them as admissible functions.
We shall now show how the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville prob-
lem can be built up, one by one, by considering the following minimisation problem. We
start by looking for the function f, subject to some specified Sturm-Liuoville boundary
conditions, th at minimises the ratio
R(f) ≡
dx [P f
− Q f
dx w f
, (4.195)
(Of course f can be determined only up to a constant scaling, since the ratio in is invariant
under f (x) −→ k f(x), where k is any constant. T hus it will always be understood that
when we speak of “the minimising function,” we mean modulo this scaling arbitrariness.)
To get an overview of the idea, consider first the following simp le argument. Let us
suppose that we make small variations of f, i.e. we replace f by f + δf , where the variations
will be assumed also to be s ubject to the same Sturm-Liouville boun dary conditions. (In
other words, we consider s mall variations that keep us within the same class of boundary