the integral curves by the method described above. Thus the strategy is to draw lines that
intersect the isoclinals with s lopes equal to the slopes of the little line-segment decorations
described above. Looking at Figure 10, we see that indeed the integral curves all have this
property. For example, it can be seen that wherever an integral curve intersects the isoclinal
that passes through (0, 0), it has slope 0. And wherever an integral curve intersects the
isoclinal passing through (0, 1), it has slope 1, and so on. (Observe that all the integral
curves indeed intersect the (0, 1) isoclinal perpendicularly, as they shhould s ince they have
slope +1 there, while the isoclinal itself has slope −1.)
A convenient way to characterise the integral curves in this example is by the value of
where they intersect the y axis. Looking at our “secret” formula (6.5), th is is related to
the integration constant c by y
= c −1. Of course we know from the general analysis that
if we also draw in the isoclinal passing through (0, y
), it will be d ecorated by little line
segments of slope y
. So the integral cur ve that passes through (0, y
) has slope y
at that
point. The complete integral curve can then be built up by “joining the dots,” so that it
intersects the isoclinals at the correct angles. Of course in practice one may need to draw
quite a lot of isoclinals, especially in regions of the (x, y) plane where “interesting” things
may be happening.
Note that in this toy example, on the left-hand side of the diagram all of the integral
curves become asymptotic to the isoclinal passing through (0, −1), as x tends to −∞. This
is because this isoclinal is decorated by little line segments of slope −1, i.e. parallel to the
isoclinal itself. Thus it acts as a sort of “attractor” line, with all the integral curves homing
in towards it as x gets more and m ore negative. Of course we can see this explicitly if
we sneak another look at our “secret solution” (6.5); all th e solutions at large negative x
approach y = −x − 1, regardless of the value of c.
For a second example, consider the equation
= x
+ y
. (6.7)
The isoclines are given by the equation x
+ y
= λ, which defines circles of radius
centred on the origin in the (x, y) plane. Each circle should be decorated with little line
segments whose gradient is λ, so the larger the circle, the steeper the gradient. The circle
of zero radius corresponds to gradient zero.
The isoclinal lines and the integral cur ves for this example are depicted in Figure 11