H. Crystallographic Data Sets 335
AB2DO5, tP9, (123) P4/mmm-hgfeba (hgecba)
-DO2-OB-AO" (AO)-OB-
CTlo.sPbo.sSr4Cu2Olo, T c = 60 K, a PX, R e -- 0.0655 (Huv6 et al., 1993b)
(123) P4/mmm, a = 3.8244, c = 16.516A, Z -- 1
al, a2, 2c
Atom WP PS x y z
C l(a) 4/mmm 0 0 0
1 1
Sr(1) 2(h) 4mm ~
Cu 2(g) 4mm 0 0 0.2346
1 1
Sr(2) 2(h) 4mm ~
T1 b 4(m) m2m. 0.083 0
O(1 ) 4(/) m2m. 0.316 0 0
0(2) 8(s) .m. 0.162 0 0.086
0(3) 4(i) 2mm . 0
0(4) 2(g) 4mm 0 0 0.379
1 1
0(5) 4(0) m2m. 0.330 ~
aT c ---
70 K for sample annealed under reducing conditions.
b T1 -- T10.sPb0. 5.
Compound a (A) c (A) T c (K) Ref.
62 1
CTlo.8Hgo.2Ba2 SrzCu2Oy b 60 c 2
CHgBazSrzCu209+ 6 3.88 16.94 a 66 3
CTlo.8Moo.2Sr4Cu2Olo 3.8251 16.429 80 4
CTlo.sPbo.s Sr4Cu201o 3.8244 16.516 60 e 5
CTlo.sBio.5 Sr4Cu2Olo 3.8309 16.518 54 6
CPbo.7Hgo.3 Sr4Cu2Olo 3.8242 16.4681 70 7
Co.955Bio.5Hgo.545Sr4Cu209.72 3.8265 16.4742 f 17 8
CUgo.57Vo.43 Sr4Cu209. 6
3.8505 16.240 76 9
CUgo.46Cro.54Sr4Cu209.88 3.8747 16.1555 37 10
CHgo.52Moo.4sSr4Cu209.21 3.8448 16.3173 74 10
8-fold superstructure (Ammm or Amm2, a = 3.839, b = 31.003, c-- 16.930 A); incommensurate
modulation (q ~ b*/6 to b*/7.4) and T c = 73 K in Matsui et al. (1993).
b Orthorhombic, a = 3.85, b = 3.87 and c = 16.95 A (values taken from figure).
c From resistivity measurements (zero resistivity), value taken from figure.
d Additional reflections indicate superstructure (orthorhombic, a -- 5.49, b = 24.71, r = 16.94 A).
e Tc = 70 K for sample annealed under reducing conditions.
f Additional reflections indicate superstructure (a, 8a, c).
References: 1, Goutenoire et al. (1993b); 2, Noda et al. (1995); 3, Uehara et al. (1994a); 4, Letouz6 et
al. (1995); 5, Huv6 et al. (1993b); 6, Maignan et al. (1993c); 7, Martin et al. (1994); 8, Pelloquin et al.
(1994); 9, Maignan et al. (1995b); 10, Pelloquin et al. (1995).
Stoichiometric T1Ba2CuO5 is nonsuperconducting (Parkin et al., 1988c);
however, superconductivity may be induced by partial substitution of Ba 2+ by
La 3+ (T1Bal.2Lao.gCuOs, T c - 40 K) (Manako et al., 1989) (Figs. 8.25 and 8.26).
The structure is tetragonal (P4/mmm), whereas that of the Sr analogue,