H. Organic Compounds
structure in the plane perpendicular to one of its 4-fold axes. Such packing is less
dense and contains six tetrahedral voids per molecule. In the cubic body-centered
structure of Cs6C60 all these voids are occupied by metal atoms, which form a
pattern where all faces of the cubic cell contain a square of atoms. At the metal-
to-molecule ratio 4: 1, an ordered arrangement of metal atoms and vacancies is
found, with a square of metal atoms on two and a pair of atoms on the other four
faces of the cell. The symmetry of this structure is tetragonal and the
slightly lower than unity. For the ratio 3 : 1, one-half of the tetrahedral voids are
empty and all faces of the cell contain two metal atoms. The structure is cubic
primitive and the arrangement of metal atoms and fullerene molecules identical to
the one formed by the atoms in the Cr3Si (A 15) type.
Different kinds of rotational disorder are reported for the fullerene
molecules in different compounds, the exact situation being not always clear. The
rotational disorder in Li2CsC60 is considered to be spherical. K3C60 presents a
merohedral disorder, where the C60 molecules are randomly distributed over two
orientations. In both orientations, related by a 90 ~ rotation, eight of the 20
hexagonal faces are perpendicular to 3-fold axes. In LT-Na2CsC60 and
Na2RbC60 a preferred orientation is adopted, where the molecules are rotated
by 98 ~ around the body diagonals. The ordered atom arrangement is described in
the same space group as found for the LT-modification of C60. In the "A 15-
type" structure the molecules located at 0 0 0 and 89 1 i are rotated by 90 ~ with
respect to each other.
The alkaline metal atoms fully donate their electrons to the C60 unit.
Superconductivity is observed for a metal-to-fullerene ratio close to 3:1, with
critical temperatures near 30K measured for Na2Cs(NH3)4C60, Rb3C60,
Rb2CsC60 , and Cs2RbC60. A maximum value of 45.0 K is reported for nominal
For the alkaline-earth metals the charge transfer is not complete
and superconductivity is found for a higher metal-to-fullerene ratio, e.g., Ca5C60
(8.4 K), Sr6C60 (4 K) and Ba6C60 (7 K). T c increases monotonically with increas-
ing cell parameter for both the f.c.c, and the b.c.c, packing.
b. ET and Other Charge-Transfer Salts
A large number of crystal structures of charge-transfer salts containing the
molecule bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene, abbreviated BEDT-TTF or simply
ET, have been determined. The ET molecule, shown in Fig. 6.27, is rather fiat
because of the presence of an extended n-electron system, but deviations are
always observed, in particular in the ethylene end groups. ET salts contain slabs
of ET molecules separated by anion layers, as illustrated by the structure of
fl-(ET)2I 3 in Fig. 6.28.
The structures of the fl-(ET)2X 3 family of compounds are triclinic with one
donor-molecule layer per translation unit. All molecules are parallel and the
linear anions, which can be 13, IBr 2, or AuI 2, are located at inversion centers.