and threonine peptidases) or a sulfhydryl group (cysteine peptidases). In aspartic
and metallo- peptidases, the nucleophile is commonly an activated water molecule.
In aspartic peptidases, the water molecule is directly bound by the side chains of
aspartic residues. In metallopeptidases, one or two divalent metal ions hold the
water molecule in place, and charged amino acid side chains are ligands for the
metal ions. The metal is most commonly zinc, but may also be cobalt, manganese
or copper. A single metal ion is usually bound by three amino acid ligands. The
activated water molecule is a fourth metal ligand, and the metal is described as
“tetrahedrally co-ordinated”. Where two metal ions are present, each is tetrahedrally
co-ordinated, so that two activated water molecules are bound, and one amino
acid residue ligates both metals. The glutamic peptidases (all in the small family
G1) were recognised only in 2005 (Kataoka et al., 2005), and much remains to
be learned about their catalytic mechanisms, but they seem to employ a Glu/Gln
catalytic dyad. Just a few peptidases are still of unknown catalytic type.
2.2. Active Site
Crystallographic structures of peptidases show that the active site is commonly
located in a groove on the surface of the molecule between adjacent structural
domains, and the substrate specificity is dictated by the properties of binding sites
arranged along the groove on one or both sides of the catalytic site that is responsible
for hydrolysis of the bond cleaved (the scissile bond). Besides the nucleophile, other
residues are important for catalysis and maintaining the structure of the active site.
The active site residues are very well conserved between all the active peptidases
within a family.
In general terms, cleavage of a peptide bond has been described as an example
of an acid/base reaction, in which the charged nucleophile is the proton donor and
a residue known as the general base is the proton acceptor. In serine and cysteine
peptidases the general base is often a histidine, but can be a lysine (e.g. signal
peptidase I, S26.001 and endopeptidase La, S16.001). When the general base is a
histidine, usually a third residue orientates the imidazolium ring of the histidine and
helps charge one of the nitrogen atoms in the ring. In many serine peptidases this
third member of the catalytic triad is an aspartate, for example in chymotrypsin
(S01.001), subtilisin (S08.001) and carboxypeptidase Y (S10.001). In assemblin
(S21.001) the third residue is a second histidine, and in d-Ala-d-Ala carboxypep-
tidase A (S11.001) it is a second serine. Exceptionally, the serine peptidases omptin
(S18.001) and eukaryote signal peptidase (S26.010) have a Ser/His catalytic dyad
only. In cysteine peptidases the third member of the triad may be asparagine
(e.g. papain, C01.001), aspartate (e.g. deubiquitinating peptidase Yuh1, C12.001)
or glutamate (e.g. adenovirus endopeptidase, C05.001). There are many cysteine
peptidases which have only a Cys/His dyad, however.
In serine and cysteine peptidases, a fourth residue is often important because it
helps stabilize the transitional acyl-intermediate that forms between the peptidase
and the substrate as a first stage of catalysis. A residue forms a hydrogen bond