346 A.I. Pigalev. The Spectral Reality of Culture
and opacity. It is the constitutive essence of the reality of culture. As a matter
of fact, this reality is essentially spectral and only the analysis of the main
phantasmal phenomena allows to take advantage of the optical effects on
the surface.
And what is more, culture as the sphere of an artificial being is always
accompanied with spectral phenomena. According to the draft of the proposed
investigation, the analysis is concentrated upon the spatial aspects of culture.
Hence, the fetish is interpreted as a reduced form of modified and regrouped
internal relations of any totality. Such an approach paves way to the exposure
of a hidden, but a basic framework that constitutes the artificial being of
every culture. In particular, the specters in the capacity of the constitutive
elements of culture are considered to be the shadows of an incorporeity.
This interpretation allows to establish close links between the notions of
the specter of culture and Plato’s concept of idea.
Then every idea in Plato’s philosophy reveals its systemic character
that is usually obscured by the identification of the idea with a material
entity. Such an identification is a typical form of fetishism, since it makes
every invisibility clearly apparent. So, the research project is represented as
an attempt to know what is going behind the scene of the spectral reality of
culture. This attempt is, in its turn, based upon the notion of the symbolic
exchange or the symbolic metabolism, that is, the exchange of meanings
(symbols) which has analogy with the well-known exchange of wares in
the economical processes. In general case every exchange is the substitution
of one entity (ware, property, meaning etc.) for another.
However, every exchange becomes possible only on condition that
all the elements of the exchange are in some aspects identical to each other.
Therefore, the preliminary condition of every exchange is the identification
of non-identical entities. It is quite clear that the elements of the exchange
can be leveled only by force which is used by the system as a whole. This
force operates as if behind the back of every agent of the exchange, and the
lines of force generate the field of the systemic violence that is the real
substance of the spectral reality of culture. Every specter of culture is in fact
a clot of systemic violence that exists as a quasi-object. According to this
understanding, the specters of culture are steady and opaque day-specters
in contrast to subtle and flickering night-specters of myths, legends, fancy
and fiction.
Despite the fact that the notion of day-specter was not explicitly
used by L.Feuerbach, K.Marx, A.Sohn-Rethel, T.W. Adorno, J.-J. Goux,
their theories were impossible without the concept of spectral reality. In
exactly the same way, the concept of the spectral quasi-objects has the
fundamental meaning in the theories of Rev. P.Florensky and J.Derrida.
They noticed that when all the regions and levels of culture have become
subordinated to the principle of the identification of non-identical entities,