Influences on present-day PR practice
Because there are so many forms of monitoring and evaluation, a prac-
titioner might use a closed wiki as a platform to provide these insights to
a management team. The advantage is that wikis can include embedded
web widgets to show everything from a list of current blog posts to website
traffic data, and also include interactive polling. This is a versatile capability
that can be extended as necessary or as technologies emerge.
Much information about a company and industry sector comes from online
commentators. Many of them are experts and have compelling insights.
RSS feeds provide an excellent way to monitor this buzz and give clear
early warning of events and activities in a competitive setting.
RSS feeds can be set up for every site on the web and can be keyword
constrained, thus providing fast (as in seconds) intelligence about a wide
range of online activities (see:,,,,,
and there are many more).
News from publications is available from many sources, including
Asomo, Attentio, Brandwatch, CyberAlert, Cymfony, FindAgent, iCrossing,
Market Sentinel, Nielsen Online, Onalytica, Radian6, RepuMetrix, Reputica,
StrategyEye, Techrigy and Trackur.
There are services that combine monitoring of a range of social media
and report in near real time, such as and http://
Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff, authors of Groundswell, identify people in
social media with five characteristics: Creators, Critics, Collectors, Joiners,
and Spectators.
These are five elements that offer structure to the prac-
titioner’s monitoring and evaluation techniques.
Online public relations is one form of PR that has to be monitored and
evaluated. The risks in not doing so are far too significant and dangerous
to leave to chance. Online public relations is not linear. Stuff happens! This
means that practitioners must continually research, landscape, perform
situation analysis and re-visit objectives.
One issue that comes up again and again is the ‘value’ of social media
interactions and the value of PR interventions. There are many approaches
to value. A�racting the a�ention of the online community, identifying
numbers of involved people, comments and reactions published online are
all ways of establishing value. The practitioner may want to know if some
article published in a magazine a�racts comment on the magazine’s website.