410 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
In the case of a time-invariant system, the coefficients matrices A, B and D are
independent of time, but they may be functions of the state variables: the structure of
the system remains unchanged over the course of time. If the system is furthermore
linear, they are constant and we have a time-invariant linear system.
For a system made up of continuous media, the system of differential equations
[8.1] is replaced by partial differential equations. The inputs are either boundary
conditions or volume heat source terms. When the physical properties depend on the
temperature, these equations are non-linear. On the other hand, if the properties are
only a function of the coordinates, we have a time-invariant linear system. In the
presence of a flow, the temporal derivative
becomes a material derivative
dtd in the case of a Eulerian representation.
8.1.3. External representation
The external representation of a system consists of considering it as a black box
that links inputs and outputs. However, the conservation laws of extensive quantities
must be considered between the inputs and outputs of a system. The permanent
production of mechanical or thermal energy is only possible if energy is provided to
the system; the same goes for mass, chemical species in the absence of chemical
reactions, etc. The consequences of the second principle of thermodynamics are
directly manifest in the constraints upon the entropy of the system studied. In other
words, the system can only evolve within the bounds of possible processes. In fact,
the coherence between automatic control and thermodynamics is only ensured if the
global thermodynamic balances are satisfied for state representation [8.1] of the
In practice, a system is often characterized using incomplete data which are
obtained by means of indicial experiments: we modify one variable by quickly
increasing it by a small amount (Heaviside unit step) and we record the evolution of
the outputs. If the response of these is not instantaneous, the system undergoes an
internal evolution which must be characterized. For example, the progressive
response of a system to an instantaneous increase of the mass flow rate or of the
input temperature indicates the capacity of the system to accumulate matter or mass
in its interior. We must therefore introduce an internal state variable to the system
(volume or pressure for a compressible fluid, calorific capacity, etc.) or,
equivalently, we must introduce terms involving temporal derivatives in the external
representation (section
The formulae used by engineers for over two centuries are external
representations which correspond to operating conditions of the system, which are
more or less well (or badly) defined. Models which use continuous-medium