Defi ning the upside of risk 155
Table 17.1 Upside of risk
Fewer disruptions to normal operations and greater operational effi ciency resulting •
in less downside of risk
Ability to seize an opportunity denied to competitors because a better-informed
view of the management of risk is taken
Deliberately identifying events that will be positive during the risk assessment and
deciding how to manage those events
Opportunity management, whereby a detailed evaluation is undertaken of new
business opportunities before deciding to take the opportunity
Achieving a positive outcome from a situation that could have gone wrong without
good judgement/risk management
Achieving compliance/risk assurance in diffi cult circumstances as an unintended/
automatic consequence of good risk management
Another interpretation of the upside of risk is that the risk assessment workshop should also
focus on identifying risks that have an upside outcome. The risk assessment workshop would
therefore address questions like: ‘What events would create a better outcome than expected?’
A register of positive outcome risks can then be identifi ed and actions can be taken to make
those upside risks more likely to occur or have more benefi cial consequences when they do
A more satisfactory explanation of the upside of risk is that the organization will be able to
undertake activities that it would not otherwise have the appetite to undertake. In a com-
mercial sense, this is enabling an organization to seize a business opportunity that a com-
petitor does not have the appetite to take, or considers to be too risky. This may be because
of the greater effi ciency within the organization, or because a cost-effective means of chang-
ing the organization by a development project has been identifi ed that the competitor failed
to see. On a strategic level, this upside of risk may arise from the organization identifying a
means of targeting the business opportunity, but only the profi table component of that
business opportunity.
Another way of looking at the upside of risk is to refl ect on a business venture that turned out
successfully in circumstances where failure could have been foreseen. This is a somewhat ret-
rospective approach based on the analysis ‘that could have gone wrong, but it did not and
therefore we have enjoyed the upside of taking that risk.’ This approach to the upside of risk
depends on the organization being willing to pursue a risky venture, albeit with adequate con-
trols in place, that leads to a positive outcome in circumstances where a competitor may not
have been willing to take the risk.
Finally, there is the analysis of the upside of risk that refl ects on the benefi ts of having a
robust risk management process. Achieving the CADE3 benefi ts, especially benefi ts related