Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
during the one-electron oxidation of DDEP,
CYP2C6 and -2C11 undergo heme A^-ethylation,
whereas the CYP3A enzymes predominantly
incur cross-linking of heme fragments to the pro-
Furthermore, studies with DDEP and
its analogs with a secondary carbon attached to
the 4-position (4-isopropyl and 4-isobutyl) reveal
that the reaction outcome is largely dictated by the
P450 active-site structure rather than by the inabil-
ity of the inactivator to iV-alkylate the heme^^^.
DDEP, which can form iV-ethyl porphyrins,
and the 4-isopropyl and 4-isobutyl analogs that
cannot, exhibit comparable extents of heme
destruction and heme fragment cross-linking.
Cross-linking of heme fragments to the protein is
thus not merely the result of a defective or ineffi-
cient heme A/-alkylation process. The fact that
spironolactone inactivates hepatic CYP3A
enzymes via heme fragment cross-linking^^'
inactivates adrenal P450 enzymes by direct pro-
tein modification^^ frirther demonstrates that the
binding of heme fragments to the protein is iso-
form-specific. Conceivably, the propensity of the
CYP3A enzymes to undergo heme fragment
cross-linking is related to their unusually large
and, given their ability to accommodate large sub-
strates such as cyclosporin, macrolide antibiotics,
and FK506, as well as small substrates such as
DDEP, highly flexible active sites. Their active
sites may therefore exhibit an unusual degree of
substrate mobility and/or water content (Chapter
Regardless of the mechanism, it is clear that
CYP3A active sites are particularly susceptible to
inactivation by heme fragment cross-linking. A
related process is mediated by peroxides such as
H2O2 and cumene hydroperoxide that partially
degrade the prosthetic heme to soluble monopyr-
role and dipyrrole fragments^^^' 386-388 ^^ these
reactions, the bulk of the heme is fragmented to
products that irreversibly bind to the pro-
Myoglobin and hemoglobin have been
employed as models in efforts to elucidate this
unusual heme degradation process, but it now
appears that these hemoproteins are not good
models for the P450 reaction392-395 j^ie Rfi^'
mediated oxidation of myoglobin results in the
covalent binding of its heme via either the a or
^-meso carbon or one of the vinyl groups to
In contrast, the reduction of CCI4
or CBrClg by myoglobin results in covalent
attachment of the heme via one of its vinyl groups
In both of these processes, as well
as during the hemoglobin-mediated reduction of
the cross-linked heme retains its Soret
absorption maximum (at —405 nm) and is thus
bound to the protein without substantial structural
disruption of its chromophore. Furthermore, 7-
meso alkylated heme adducts without appreciable
heme-protein cross-linking are observed during
the myoglobin-mediated oxidative metabolism of
alkylhydrazines^^^. In contrast, the cross-linking
of heme fragments to protein observed in the P450
reactions with H2O2, cumene hydroperoxide,
DDEP, and spironolactone involves complete loss
of the heme chromophore and therefore major
structural disruption of the heme skeleton^^' ^^^'
386-391 jjjjg heme degradation also occurs if the
cumene hydroperoxide-mediated inactivation is
carried out under anaerobic conditions, albeit at
a considerably slower rate, implying a role for
molecular O2 in this process^^^' ^^^.
Attempts to elucidate this process have focused
on cumene hydroperoxide-inactivated [^"^CJ-heme-
labeled CYP3A23, -3A4, and -261^89, 390
Proteolytic digestion with lysyl endopeptidase-C
of the [^"^CJ-heme-modified P450enzymes, cou-
pled with HPLC-mapping of the [^"^CJ-heme-
modified peptides, Tricine-SDS-PAGE, elec-
troblotting, microEdman degradation/amino
acid sequencing, and electrospray ionization mass
spectrometry (ESIMS), have located the specific
sites modified by the heme fragments within the
active sites of the P450 enzymes^^^' ^^^. Speci-
fically, the labeled peptide in CYP3A23 encom-
passes residues 287-330, and in CYP2B1 residues
Sequence alignment of CYP3A23
and -2B1 with bacterial CYPlOl, -102,-107 and
-108 reveal that the [^'^CJ-heme-fragment-
modified peptide in CYP3A23 corresponds to the
bacterial I-helix^^^"^^3 j^is domain contains the
conserved Thr, which in the crystal structure of
CYPlOl is known to interact both with the sub-
strate and the heme-bound
and to be part of the
active site (Chapter
On the other hand,
the labeled CYP2B1 region corresponds to the
bacterial L-helix that provides the conserved
Cys thiolate ligand, and thus is also within the
active site. However, until recently, the structure
of the attached heme-derived fragments remained
uncharacterized, largely because of their highly
labile nature under the experimental conditions