The summary
For a long time is noticed, that the level of ocean rises steadily and with all growing
speed. It results to gradual eutrophication and flooding of coastal land. Today some large
cities and even the extensive territories of a number of the countries are already below the
sea level, from which high dams protect them In the book it is shown, that modern bal-
ance of a land and sea. and as well the peculiarity of a climate and life is only a brief in-
stant of the Earth history. We live in era of planet oceanization which began about 60 mil-
lions years ago Origin and flowering of a human civilization was came just on the middle
of this era The reasons and scales of this phenomenon on the Earth are opened, conditions
on other planets is analyzed.
The book is intended for everyone, who is interested in a history of the Earth and plan-
ets or studies it in physical geography cycle.
P.E. Ot'fman (TYN RAN, Moscow): «I has read a new work of V V Orlenok with
large interest. Supervision, accounts and the reasons will be well coordinated with
checked achievement of geological researches. Will be coordinated fruitfully, and in some
cases distinctly limit, frameworks of discussions».
Z.A. Svaritchcvskaja, B.G. Fyodorov (University of S. Petersburg): «А material on
all drilling wells on ocean bottom, showing geological age of shallow and deep-water fa-
des is resulted nchcst. generalized by the author, i.e. about time of bottom emergence
lower than shelf depthes. This material should attract attention of the representatives of all
geotectoiucs schools, as requires comprehension and entering the correctives into any of
the offered outlines of the ocean development. The book contains a large and diverse
material on geochemistry, geophysics and comparative planetologv. hence has a great
cognithe significance. The author proves the new original evolutionary conception of the
Earth, from positions of which many phenomena and processes. 011 a surface of the Earth
find their explanation».
I.A. Rezanov (Institute of a History of Natural Sciences and Technics, Moscow):
«The author has approached to the decision of a problem on ft composition of the general
evolutionary theory of the Earth. In its light receive explanations all varieties of the sur-
face of our planet, occurrence and further evolution of oceans, variability of a climate, and
also occurrence of continental quarternary glaciations and other It is shown, that the free
water on a surface of the Earth occurs and disappears at certain stages of development of a
planet In conditions of the Earth accelerated carrying out of huge masses of deep water
began only 50 - 70 millions years ago The majority of the conclusions the author sup-
ports with quantitative accounts and actual materials... The author docs not aspire to ex-
cessive popularity. The basic questions arc stated by strict, but quite accessible scientific
O.K. Leontjev (Geographical faculty of MSU, Moscow): «In the book the questions
of general geological evolution of the Earth were examined in many respects from original
positions The author puts forward and protects a hypothesis of contraction of the Earth
resulted huge losses of substance from bowels of the Earth, caused by differentiation proc-
esses. decontamination and dehydrotation of mantle substance Paper of V. V Orlenok is
very interesting, useful as for mass and the specialized reader, conducts him towards mod-
ern science of the Earth, shows advantages and lacks of a modern condition of the last