Carbide failed to anticipate potential problems that
could have occurred. As a result, the company was
severely criticized for its handling of the devastating
Bhopal (India) gas leak. Many inquiries in the early
stages went unanswered, and at times the company
appeared evasive when it did issue a response.
In dealing with the media, candor, preparedness,
speed, and cooperation are all essential. If a
company’s guilt is undeniable, it is better to admit
this at the outset so that attention can be shifted to
the steps being taken to resolve the situation.
Although a team effort is likely taking place, it is
highly desirable that a top executive acts as the
company’s sole spokesperson so that inconsistencies
can be minimized.The executive should be prepared
to communicate quickly and professionally. He or
she must possess accurate information and be ready
to answer all questions. Since the media are eager
to receive information, they can and should be
accommodated, as well as exploited.The company
can call news conferences that allow it to relay the
information to the public through the media at no
cost. At such conferences, the spokesperson can
outline the steps being taken to protect the public
interest. In effect, this tactic provides the company
with free advertising and positive publicity.
If the product has serious potential ramifications,
corporate image advertising may be used to rein-
force the trustworthiness of the company and prod-
uct. Market research can be valuable in tracking the
public mood so that appropriate communication
strategies may be adopted. Figure 14.2 shows how
South Africa attempted to use advertising to deal
with its country’s negative image and bad publicity.
The company should also be decisive. Its decision
should be based on the public good rather than cost
as an overriding motive. If product recall is war-
ranted because a situation is potentially dangerous
to the public, the recall should proceed immedi-
ately. A company should avoid vacillation or
hedging. Procter & Gamble poorly handled a
problem of contaminated cake mixes in California
by making contradictory announcements about the
product’s recall.A decisive response does not mean,
however, that product recall is always the preferred
strategy. Gerber Foods took legal action against
those states that wanted its baby food taken off the
shelves because of broken glass found in some jars.
The company’s rationale was that the incident was
an isolated one not related to its normal manufac-
turing process and that any recall would unduly
alarm the public. Its position was subsequently
supported by the results of an investigation.
The nature of sales promotion
Sales promotion consists of those promotional activ-
ities other than advertising, personal selling, and
publicity. As such, any promotional activities that
do not fall under the other three activities of the
promotion mix are considered to be sales promo-
tion. Qantas, for example, offers its passengers
Connection Cards that may be used to purchase
London Fog coats wholesale. The trade often uses
the term indiscriminately. Businesspeople may use
the term “promotion” when they actually mean
“sales promotion.” In this book, promotion is a broad
term that encompasses sales promotion as well as
the other three promotional activities.
The techniques of sales promotion are varied and
numerous. The common ones used are coupons,
sweepstakes, games, contests, price-offs, demon-
strations, premiums, samples, money refund offers,
and trading stamps.A combination of these may be
used and is sometimes used in the same campaign.
When Kelloggs expanded its business abroad, it
had to enlighten consumers in South and Central
America, the Middle East, and Asia about dry cereal
and cold breakfasts.To instill this new eating habit,
Kelloggs used samples and demonstrations in con-
junction with a heavy advertising campaign. To
regain market share in Japan, Procter & Gamble
distributed 1.5 million diaper samples of improved
Pampers. Each diaper box also carried a picture of
a little bear. Parents could get baby items by saving
the required number of bears.
Sales promotion is temporary in nature. Not
being self-sustaining, its function is to supplement