Index 752
target typing, 179
template, definition of, 721
term, in function literals, 186
Test annotation
in JUnit 4, 600
in TestNG, 286
test suites, 290
TestCase class, 290
testing, 88, 281–292
integration, 554
unit, 171
with mock objects, 556
with singletons, 556
TestNG, 284–286
Text class, 541
text method
on class Node, 545
text processing in XML, 540, 545
TextField class, 687
Thinking in Java (Eckel), 226n
this, 135–136
aliasing, 659
and self types, 563
Thread class, 613
thread safety, 40, 375, 619, 620
threads, and actors, 612–613
throw expressions, 160
throws annotation, 598
to method
on class Int (via RichInt), 73,
128, 240
toArray method
on class List, 340
toChar method
on class Int, 690
toInt method
on class String (via
RichString), 49
toList method
on class Array, 340, 382
on class ListBuffer, 363, 494
top method
on class Stack, 366
top method
on class
Torreborre, Eric, 287
toString method, 132, 237
generated for case classes, 295
on class Any, 237
overriding, 132
traits, see also mixin composition,
245, 561–564
and abstract parameters, 439
and Java interfaces, 597
annotating, 534
generic, 410, 417
initializing, 439
linearization of, 258–262
mixing in, 81
transient annotation, 537
TreeMap class, 375
TreeSet class, 375
true value, 115
try expressions, 159–163
tuple patterns, 303
tuples, 383–385
creating and using, 80
one-based element access, 81
result of -> operation, 85
when to use a class instead, 385
type aliases, 436
type annotations, 40, 54, 60
for debugging, 358
type casts, see casting
type constructors, 417
type erasure, 306
type inference, 55, 85n
Hindley-Milner style, 358
the algorithm, 355
type keyword
in singleton types, such as
db.type, 567
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