71.1 How Does Water Behave?
At sufficiently low temperature any compound, i.e., aggregate of molecules,
becomes “solid.” The molecules line up more or less regularly and would not move
from where they are. That is why they take a definite shape, solid. In reality, how-
ever, atoms in molecules are vibrating (over a short distance) around their respective
positions even at these low temperatures. As you heat up a solid, the movements of
molecules themselves in the solid become more and more vigorous, and beyond a
certain temperature (melting point) molecules can move around almost freely. As
there is still sufficiently strong force acting on each molecule from all other mole-
cules there, the molecules remain being stuck together, but they would not form a
definite shape. This is “liquid” state. As you heat it up further, the molecules become
more and more agitated and gain enough energy to get out of the confines of liquid,
and go out into the space. Molecules in the space move around almost indepen-
dently; they hardly interact with each other. This is “gas” state.
Now you might have guessed that there is a good correlation between the strength
of force that binds molecules together and how high temperature you have to go to
melt or vaporize a compound. And you are quite right. In this sense water is quite
unusual. Water is a simple and small molecule. Similar compounds of relatively
simple and small molecules, such as ammonia (NH
), hydrogen sulfide (H
S), and
methane (CH
), are all gas at ambient temperatures; that is, they have much lower
boiling temperatures (and melting points), compared to water. Water is exceptional.
Why is water so unusual?
The forces between water molecules are relatively strong, because they are polar;
i.e., they carry positive and negative charges on them, so that they attract each other
strongly. They can also interact attractively through hydrogen bond (see a couple of
paragraphs back). That is why! It can then be deduced that it would be harder to pull
the water molecules apart from each other, as compared with the other ordinary
compounds as suggested in the previous paragraph for comparison. Therefore, it
would require a larger energy and a higher temperature to do so. The energy that is
required to turn liquid water to vapor (steam) is called “vaporization energy
(enthalpy)”; the value for water is unusually large.
The same basic properties, the polar structure and acidity–basicity, account for
its being a good solvent for so many different compounds. Perhaps half of all the
compounds that exist on the Earth and anywhere else are of ionic type. Take “table
salt” for example. Its chemical name is sodium chloride, and consists of two ions,
sodium ion (Na
) and chlorine negative ion, chloride (Cl
). The two ions, because of
the opposite electric charge, attract strongly each other, and arrange themselves in
an orderly fashion (crystal structure) in solid form. The ions interact so strongly that
they are hard to be moved around and a high temperature is necessary to melt it.
Compounds that are made of positive ions (the technical word for this is “cation”)
and negative ions (“anion”) are called “ionic compounds” and are typically crystal-
line solids at ambient temperatures and have high melting points, as illustrated by
table salt. However, when an ionic compound is brought into contact with water,
ions come apart even at room temperature and the compound dissolves in water.
Why? Where does the energy that is necessary to pull all the ions apart come from?
That comes from the interaction between ions and water molecules. As a water