Notes 17
answer to these questions is that thermodynamics affords us a useful framework
in which some approximate calculations can be conducted. Over the years these
approximate results have proven to be useful.
The following is a list of applications that we will work on in this book.
Gaseous mixtures
These occur in nature since the atmosphere is composed mainly
of several relatively inert gases (at typical atmospheric temperatures anyway) and
several other gases which occur in trace amounts (i.e., ozone, methane, carbon dioxide,
even water vapor). We will be concerned with how the pressures of these individual
gases add up to the total pressure and how the density of a local blob (or parcel) of
the gas might differ from that of its surroundings, which might give rise to parcels
lifting themselves from their present altitudes to somewhere above, just how high
and how fast depending on the parcel’s thermodynamic properties and those of the
Liquid–vapor equilibria Water exists in all three phases in the atmosphere. We
would like to know how the pressure of water vapor above liquid surfaces varies
with temperature. We would like to have useful ways of describing the amount of
water vapor in the air (humidity) and how this affects the air’s buoyancy and how
condensation leads to release of thermal energy and therefore changes in buoyancy.
Other related issues treatable in thermodynamics include how liquid water droplets
grow in humid environments. Does the presence of air affect the vapor pressure above
a liquid surface? Does the air dissolve appreciably in the liquid? Does the presence of
salt dissolved in the liquid affect the vapor pressure? Does the size of a droplet affect
its vapor pressure?
Dynamics of air parcels How can we tell whether a given environmental temperature
profile (function of altitude) leads to stable conditions or unstable ones (does the air
start to turn over spontaneously)? What is the role of moisture and cloud formation
in this process? As parcels rise, they expand and their temperature drops (why?).
Does this mean they are denser and they might return? What are the conditions for
continued rising? What temperature profiles are likely to lead to severe weather?
Atmospheric chemistry Most chemical reactions in the atmosphere are between trace
gases such as ozone and so-called air pollutants, but many occur between natural
constituents. What are the criteria for a reaction to proceed one way or another? How
are chemical equilibria between reactants and products established and how do these
equilibrium concentrations vary as the temperature varies?
A complete bibliography is given at the end of the book. All university level physics
books contain a few chapters on thermodynamics; the numerous editions of Sears
and Zemanski as well as those of Halliday and Resnick and the one by Giancoli
are good examples. Many general chemistry books also contain a good description