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trichloroethane 191
trichloroethylene 191
TSP fertilizers 199 200
turbines 119
turbulent flow conditions 82
types of incinerators 148
unburned hydrocarbons 158
underground oil storage tanks (USTs) 77
upper explosive limit 113
urea fertilizers 196
urea 196
vacuum distillation 213
vacuum filters 18 147 148 139
vacuum filtration 133 136
vacuum technologies 133
venturi scrubbers 156 159 160 202
venturi/impingement tray scrubber 156 160
vinyl chloride 191
visbreaking 213
volatile organic compounds (VOC) 109 159
volume reduction techniques 168
volumetric loading 145
waste characterization 37
waste composting 72
waste gases 125
waste management programs 163
waste management strategies 39
waste minimization activities 18