248 Nayak and Herman
preparation to isolate and culture pericytes from simian, bovine, and human
retina (6). In 1977, Del Vecchio et al. (7) isolated capillary fragments from rat
adrenal glands, which was followed in 1978 by the demonstration by Folkman
et al. (8) that viable ECs could be recovered from isolated capillary fragments,
cloned, and propagated on gelatin coated plates in conditioned media. Inexpli-
cably, the reports from Meezan et al. and Buzney et al. did not appear to stimu-
late interest in tissue culture studies of the pericyte, perhaps because the
importance of the pericyte in regulating capillary function had yet to become
appreciated (3). In 1983, using the same initial strategy of isolating viable cap-
illary fragments, Gitlin and D’Amore were able to isolate and selectively propa-
gate bovine retinal microvascular pericytes (9). That report and the recognition
of the importance of the pericyte in controlling EC growth (3), combined with
development of biochemical markers for the identification of pericytes (10,11),
have stimulated interest in studying the pericyte in vitro. Since then, several
methodological procedures have been published for pericyte isolation from
various tissues (9,10,12–15,25). The majority of reports describe the isolation
of pericytes from retina and most are a variation of the work described above.
Most procedures begin with enrichment of microvessel fragments by sieving
collagenase-digested tissue over nylon meshes of defined mesh size and then
explanting the recovered microvessels under selective tissue culture conditions.
The method we detail here has been in use in our laboratories for over 15 yr
and is a variant of the methods discussed above.
2. Materials
2.1. Dissection and Harvesting of Retinal Tissue
1. 20 bovine eyes, globes intact (reject any that are pierced or perforated).
2. The following materials should be autoclaved the day before the isolation is to be
performed: 3 one-litre beakers (openings covered with aluminium foil), 1 rubber
policeman, 1 curved scissors, 2 straight scissors, 1 toothed forceps, 1 straight
forceps, 3 scalpels, and 2 sterile fields.
Sterile fields are prepared by taking an approx 75-cm-long strip of aluminium
foil and placing within it a slightly shorter strip of absorbent paper towel (such as
is used in roll dispensers). The edges of the aluminium foil are folded in over the
paper and the field is then folded into overlapping thirds by folding the ends in
toward the center. The field is then wrapped in aluminium foil, and autoclaved to
3. Betadine (10% povidone-iodine solution).
4. Penicillin-streptomycin-fungizone (antibiotic-antimycotic) stock solution (Gibco
Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, Catalog Number 15240-062).
5. Sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.15.
6. One pack of sterile 10-cm-diameter tissue culture Petri-dishes (Becton Dickinson
Labware, Franklin Lakes, NJ, Catalog number Falcon 3003).