2-D Crystallization of Protein Complexes 567
film in the loop. The transfer is made by hydrophilic contacts between the carbon
foil and the crystal. The film is then broken by tilting the loop to increase the
angle between the film and the grid.
10. In order to better evaluate the organizational state of the molecule in the crystal-
lization experiment, it is useful to control its shape and size by direct adsorption
of the sample on a carbon film and negative staining. Such an experiment will
also give an insight into the aggregation state of the protein in solution.
11. The appearance of vesicular structures is often an indication for a too large excess
of lipids. The working lipid solution should then be diluted.
12. To remove excess lipids, a detergent solution at low concentration can be used
(19). Care must be taken during this step because the drop might migrate to both
sides of the grid and interfere with the staining process.
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