Compare data mining results to published industry
Validate the selection of your variables and time
frame against the variables and time frame of the
industry statistics
Identify the variations between your analysis results
and the industry statistics
Determine the reasons for the variations
Monitor the analytical data model over time
Keep validating your analytical data model against
industry statistics at regular time intervals
When industry statistics change, change your
analytical data model and retrain it
Research the data mining capabilities of your
Monitor your competitors' market share and adjust
your model
Step 14: Meta Data Repository Development
Build the meta data repository database
Run the DDL to create the physical meta data
repository database structures
Run the DCL to grant CRUD authority on the meta
data repository database structures
If licensing a meta data repository product, set up
CRUD authority on the meta data repository product
Test all meta data repository product components,
especially the meta data repository database
Build and unit test the meta data migration process
Code the tool interface programs or use the export
facility of the various tools
Code the meta data transformation programs
Code the meta data load programs or use the import
facility of the meta data repository product or the
DBMS load utility
Code the meta data programs that will run during
Code the meta data programs to capture load
Code the meta data programs to capture
reconciliation totals
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