34 Chapter 1
Getting Started
(e) The composition of a closed system cannot change.
(f) According to Archimedes’ principle, the magnitude of
the buoyant force acting on a submerged body is equal to
the weight of the body.
1.61 Answer the following true or false. Explain.
(a) A refrigerant at an absolute pressure of 0.8 atm is at a
gage pressure of 0.2 atm.
(b) Temperature is the property that is the same for each of
two systems when they are in thermal equilibrium.
(c) The Rankine degree is a smaller temperature unit than
the Kelvin degree.
(d) A vessel holding 0.5 kmol of oxygen (O
) contains 16 lb
of O
(e) A control volume is a special type of closed system that
does not interact in any way with its surroundings.
(f) The pressure unit psia indicates an absolute pressure
expressed in pounds force per square inch.
1.1D In the United States today, nearly all of our electricity
is produced by fossil-fuel power plants burning coal or
natural gas, nuclear power plants, and hydroelectric power
plants. Using the Internet, determine the percent contributions
of these types of electricity generation to the U.S. total. For
each of the four types, determine at least three significant
environmental considerations associated with it and how
such environmental aspects affect the respective plant
design, operation, and cost. Write a report with at least three
1.2D Mercury is recognized as a significant biohazard. This
has led to the elimination of mercury-in-glass thermometers
(see Energy & Environment in Sec.1.7.1) and increasing
regulation of coal-fired power plants, emissions from which
are the major source of U.S. soil and water mercury con-
tamination. Investigate medical complications of mercury
exposure and their economic impact. Report your findings
in a well-documented PowerPoint presentation.
1.3D Ecological footprints measure humankind’s demands
on nature. Using the Internet, estimate the amount of
land and water needed annually to support your con-
sumption of goods and services and to absorb your wastes.
Prepare a memorandum reporting your estimates and
listing at least three things you can do to reduce your
1.4D One type of prosthetic limb relies on suction to attach
to an amputee’s residual limb. The engineer must consider
the required difference between atmospheric pressure
and the pressure inside the socket of the prosthetic limb
to develop suction sufficient to maintain attachment. What
other considerations are important as engineers design this
type of prosthetic device? Write a report of your findings
including at least three references.
1.5D Design a low-cost, compact, light-weight, hand-held,
human-powered air pump capable of directing a stream
of air for cleaning computer keyboards, circuit boards,
and hard-to-reach locations in electronic devices. The
pump cannot use electricity, including batteries, nor
employ any chemical propellants. All materials must be
recyclable. Owing to existing patent protections, the pump
must be a distinct alternative to the familiar tube and
plunger bicycle pump and to existing products aimed at
accomplishing the specified computer and electronic
cleaning tasks.
1.6D Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) employs a strong
magnetic field to produce detailed pictures of internal organs
and tissues. As shown in Fig. P1.6D , the patient reclines on a
table that slides into the cylindrical opening where the field is
created. Considering a MRI scanner as a system, identify
locations on the system boundary where the system interacts
with its surroundings. Also describe significant occurrences
within the system and the measures taken for patient comfort
and safety. Write a report including at least three references.
MRI scanner
Fig. P1.6D
1.7D A major barrier to wider deployment of solar power
systems by homeowners and small businesses is the initial
cost to purchase and install rooftop components. Today some
U.S. municipalities and utilities are developing plans to assist
property owners to acquire such components through loans
and leasing arrangements. Investigate and critically evaluate
these and other options for fostering deployment of solar
power systems discovered through design-group brainstorming
and use of the Internet. Report your findings in a poster
1.8D The sphygmomanometer commonly used to measure blood
pressure is shown in Fig. P1.8D . During testing, the cuff is placed
around the patient’s arm and fully inflated by repeated squeez-
ing of the inflation bulb. Then, as the cuff pressure is gradually
reduced, arterial sounds known as Korotkoff sounds are
monitored with a stethoscope. Using these sounds as cues, the
systolic and diastolic pressures can be identified. These pressures
are reported in terms of the mercury column length, in mmHg.
Investigate the physical basis for the Korotkoff sounds, their
role in identifying the systolic and diastolic pressures, and why
these pressures are significant in medical practice. Write a report
including at least three references.
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