128 Chapter 3 Evaluating Properties
Ideal Gas Model
For any gas whose equation of state is given exactly by p
5 RT, the specific internal
energy depends on temperature only. This conclusion is demonstrated formally in Sec.
11.4. It is also supported by experimental observations, beginning with the work of
Joule, who showed in 1843 that the internal energy of air at low density (large specific
volume) depends primarily on temperature. Further motivation from the microscopic
viewpoint is provided shortly. The specific enthalpy of a gas described by p
5 RT
also depends on temperature only, as can be shown by combining the definition of
enthalpy, h 5 u 1 p
, with u 5 u(T) and the ideal gas equation of state to obtain
h 5 u(T) 1 RT. Taken together, these specifications constitute the ideal gas model,
summarized as follows
y 5 RT (3.32)
u 5 u1T2 (3.36)
h 5 h1T25 u1T21 RT (3.37)
The specific internal energy and enthalpy of gases generally depend on two
independent properties, not just temperature as presumed by the ideal gas model.
Moreover, the ideal gas equation of state does not provide an acceptable approx-
imation at all states. Accordingly, whether the ideal gas model is used depends on
the error acceptable in a given calculation. Still, gases often do approach ideal gas
behavior, and a particularly simplified description is obtained with the ideal gas
To verify that a gas can be modeled as an ideal gas, the states of interest can be
located on a compressibility chart to determine how well Z 5 1 is satisfied. As shown
in subsequent discussions, other tabular or graphical property data can also be used
to determine the suitability of the ideal gas model.
The next example illustrates the use of the ideal gas equation of state and rein-
forces the use of property diagrams to locate principal states during processes.
ideal gas model
Analyzing Air as an Ideal Gas Undergoing a Thermodynamic Cycle
c c c c EXAMPLE 3.8 c
One pound of air in a piston–cylinder assembly undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three processes.
Process 1–2: Constant specific volume
Process 2–3: Constant-temperature expansion
Process 3–1: Constant-pressure compression
At state 1, the temperature is 5408R, and the pressure is 1 atm. At state 2, the pressure is 2 atm. Employing the
ideal gas equation of state,
(a) sketch the cycle on p–y coordinates.
(b) determine the temperature at state 2, in 8R.
(c) determine the specific volume at state 3, in ft
Air executes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three processes: Process 1–2, y 5 constant; Process
2–3, T 5 constant; Process 3–1, p 5 constant. Values are given for T
, p
, and p
To expedite the solutions of
many subsequent examples
and end-of-chapter problems
involving air, oxygen (O
nitrogen (N
), carbon dioxide
), carbon monoxide (CO),
hydrogen (H
), and other
common gases, we indicate
in the problem statements
that the ideal gas model
should be used. If not
indicated explicitly, the suit-
ability of the ideal gas model
should be checked using the
Z chart or other data.
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