Present Continuous rptzAp/cc ucnoalnyemca..
Aail onucauus aeiicrrBuil, Korropoe npoucxoapl'r B Haceroylmplii ne-
puoa Bpeueuu, Ho He B uoMeu'r paaroBopa (aeîicrrBple B npouecce
- oHo Hauaaocs, Ho emë He aalcol4uupocbl'. Myfriends are build-
ing a &cw house. ,- Mopl apyab;f c'rpos'r HOBBI; aou. Catherine
wtzpa to work in Italy, so .:77, is learning Italian. - Ka'repuHa xo-
ue'r pasorra'rb B Pl'raauu, noa-rouy oHa pl3yvlae'r UTaJISyIHCKH;
rising veryfast.
//.$W getting better? - Tsoii allrapliiclçuii yayutuaerrcf?
a.rlil o6oaHaqeHH.g BpeMenuoro aeiic'rBpil: H e is living with his
friends until he hnds afat. - OH plçplBë'r y apyaeii, uolca He Haii-
aë'r IcBapTupy. (Cp.: My parents Iive in London. Mou ponurre.rlll
AKHBy''I- B Jlouaoue.l Usually 1 read a detective story before I fall
asleep but //?& week 1 fzzp reading Shakespeare. - O6bltII4o JI H14-
'ralo nepea cylou aereicrllB, Ho Ha a'roii Heaene g HPITaIO ltleltcnupa.
rlJIs oGoaldaqepllu cnultlltoM Hac'ro noBrropHlom erocx aeiicTBlll,
The population isHavelulotlfeiicg cpflyauplu:
HaceaenHe otlenla Gblc'rpo pacrrë'r. Is your Eng-
Ko-ropoe Bsl3slBaeT HeaoBonsc-rBo, pa3apaplcelllle (c TaKHMH Hape-
HHSMH KaK always, ccw-ç/t:??7#y', continually, #drJ'/A'/fv?//
)?): M.)J new
anistant is always ctlzzl/l//zjzpjzlr/ - M oii HoBlalii noMomllHlç BeHHO
pxaaye-rcll! 1 am constantly losing things. - Betlilo JI 'repxlo Bemll!
rnaronsl, He ynovpe6nslouluecs s continuous..
V qyscrrselluoro Bocuplxx-rus'. feeln, look'b, notice, observe,
(Overlhear, see*, slnell*, J()?,W4/, taste* (KPOMC IiuStell, W&/fX);
V yMc-rsexlzxoii acs'reaslxoc'rn: advise, believe, consider' doubt,
forget, guess, hope, imagine, insist, iwtpw, mean, not tnind,
promise, realize, recognize, recommend, regret, remember,
require, seem, suggest, suppose, suspect, think*, understanJ
V qysc-ts'
admire, adore, astonish, concern, dew ise, detest, dislike,
cnvy, hate, impress, like, love, surprise;
uceaaullu: desire, lack, need, please, prefer, satisfy, want, wfy/k,.
upuuaaxemiloc-ru'. be *, belong, consist, contain, depend, have *,
include, involve, keep, tpwc, own, possess;
IlelcoToplue apyrne: agree, apologize, appear, cost, #e?7y, de-
serve, equal, exist, ht, forgive, impress, Iack, last, look like, mat-
ter, reach, refuse, remain, reselnble, stop, suit, survive.
She is Iistening to the latest news at the moment. I'm sorry, but 1
do not /lcfzr you.
t,,, .
4 sys, Hpuvueqauua..(
Ifeel that wc are given too much work (noaaran). He isfeeling
unwell ntpw tuyBc-rBoBa-rla ce6?).
You Iook nice (Blalr.uxae'rlal. What are ytpll lookingfor? tplclca-rlal.
1 see a mistake in your report tBuaevbl. 1 am seeing the CEO
tomorrow (Bcnnpeqa-riac/).
This co
f/'t?c tastes bitter (HMeTB BKycl. She is tasting the pudding
What #t> you tllink of J/ï-ç proposal? tcnuTa'rla, HMe'I'B MHeHuel.
What are you tllinking about? tpaaulalttlns-rb, o6ayuslBa'rbl.
f have a lot of things to do (uMeTb). Mr. Brown is llaving lunch
(breakfast, J/pz/cr, supper, a rest, a lesson, a rJ?-/.y', a shower, a
smoke, a col4 a good tinle) z/tpw.
M r. Fcrr
p is always honest. He is being honest with you ptpw.
RpaBMna HandcaHMs OKOHHaHMS -ing
speak - speaking 3. play - playing, cfy - ctying 5.
live - living 4. plan - planning, travel - travelling
v.y PRESENT PERFECT) Y HacToswee coBepϑHHoe
VeiicTBlle 3aBePIIIHJIOCb #f/ KaK*20-m0 vHo.Henma ##&#l8N# B Ha-
OUCTOJITeJIBCTBa BIHMCHH: ever, llever, always, already, yetg
just, still, of Iate, lately, recently, before, so far, up to now, today,
this week, once, three times, in the last few weelts, for 2 hours,
since m orning, all my life, How many / much ...? Since when ...?
How Iong ...?
12 1
lie -- llri 11 Ij