c09 JWPR067-Mench December 16, 2007 15:15 Char Count=
9.2 Physical Probes and Visualization 473
Temperature Distribution Measurement The temperature distribution in fuel cells can
be of critical importance to the kinetics, electrolyte conductivity, material compatibility
issues (high-temperature fuel cells), internal reformation process (high-temperature fuel
cells), and other kinetic and transport phenomena known to be functionally dependent
on temperature. Since the SOFC is dominated by the electrolyte resistance, which is a
strong function of temperature, the current distribution in these systems closely follows the
temperature profile. Several techniques can be used to measure the temperature distribution
in a fuel cell. An embedded thermistor or thermocouple can be used when carefully placed.
Additionally, infrared temperature measurement is a fascinating way to observe real-time
temperature variation in a fuel cell. Infrared scanners can be used to look at temperature
distribution in a specially modified single fuel cell and have been useful to “see” the phase
change processes from ice to liquid in a low-temperature fuel cell [31].
For the PEFC, the water balance is highly coupled to the temperature distribution, as
discussed. However, direct measurement of localized temperature is difficult, due to the
two-phase nature of flow in the gas channels and the small through-plane dimensions of a
typical electrolyte. Besides infrared measurement, the most commonly applied technique
is the direct embedding of a thermocouple or thermistor within the bipolar plate. This
approach is acceptable for most fuel cell varieties. If all thermal transport parameters, such
as specific heat, thermal conductivity, and contact resistance, are known, calculation of the
temperature profiles within the fuel cell can be accomplished using embedded thermocouple
data and analytical or computational heat transfer models.
For fundamental research where the thermal parameters are not precisely known and
to define unknown thermal transport parameters, we would like to directly measure the
temperature profile within the electrolyte. To approach this problem, a thermocouple can
be embedded directly in the diffusion media of a PEFC [32, 33]. However, the contact
resistance between the diffusion media and the thermocouple becomes another unknown
parameter. To circumvent these difficulties, Burford et al. invented a method to embed an
array of microthermocouples directly between two 25-µm-thick Nafion electrolyte sheets
of a membrane electrode assembly [34, 35]. Local temperature variation in PEFCs was
determined to reach >10
C at high current density for a thick diffusion media (>400 µm
for woven cloth media). This proved that an isothermal assumption is typically not justified
over a full range of performance and indicates phase change plays a role in water transport
in PEFCs. An even smaller MEMs-based thermosensor array has been developed using
vapor deposition [36] and has been embedded within a PEFC electrolyte, providing precise
locational control of the sensor position.
Impedance Distribution Measurement The localized impedance profile can also be a
great tool to characterize local design, material, and performance. For a well-built and
designed fuel cell, the dominating ohmic loss is typically from the electrolyte. With a
segmented fuel cell for distributed measurements, a full electrical impedance spectra can
be used to examine the local performance losses. This information can be enormously
valuable to the design engineer, because the spatial variations in the EIS are often obscured
when the full cell is examined using EIS. Additionally, the HFR measurement can be
used in a distributed cell to yield detailed information about local membrane conductance.
For a PEFC, this is directly related to water content and also directly impacts durability.
For a higher temperature fuel cell such as an SOFC, the HFR profile can be an indirect