around Washington. He drove to the
Bonus Marchers’ camp and told her
that Franklin wanted her to talk to
the vets. It had been 10 months since
General MacArthur had ordered the
Anacostia Flats camp destroyed. The
First Lady was anxious and uncertain
how she might be received.
Writing later, Eleanor addressed
her concerns: “Very hesitatingly, I got
out and walked over to where I saw a
line-up of men waiting for food. They
looked me over curiously, and one
of them asked my name and what I
wanted. When I said I just wanted
to see how they were getting on,
they asked me to join them.” Soon,
everyone in the camp knew the First
Lady was there. She slogged around
the camp, getting mud all over her
shoes, as it had rained earlier. She
sat down and ate with them in one
of the mess halls and talked about a
visit she had made with doughboys
in France back in 1919. They made
her feel at home, she made them
feel appreciated. Before she left, the
First Lady led a group of Marchers in
several old soldier songs.
It was all such a far cry from
the way they had been treated the
previous summer. As Eleanor left, the
Bonus men wished her good luck,
and she said “Good-bye and good
luck to you!” One vet summed it all
up: “Hoover sent the army; Roosevelt
sent his wife.” In the end, President
Roosevelt did not sign the bonus for
the vets, but he did offer them jobs in
his new Civilian Conservation Corps.
By June 1933, 2,600 of them had
signed up.
installing safety railings and electric lights. They carried out
irrigation and water reclamation projects and built earthen
dams. They stocked streams with fi sh and made improve-
ments at many Civil War battlefi elds. In Alaska some CCC
members of the Tlingit Indian tribe restored totem poles.
However, although great results were achieved by the
CCC in making improvements in the nation’s parks, the pro-
gram had little impact on the overall economy. The Corps
did provide the U.S. Army with a pool from which to recruit
future non-commissioned offi cers, but critics of the CCC
Launching the New Deal
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