Scott, 19; secretary of state, 32, 221–
222, 230, 235; and habeas corpus,
70; and peace commissioners, 94;
and Crittenden, 95, 96; and
Merrick, 99; and Emancipation
Proclamation, 111; and blockade,
120, 121–124, 125; and Taney’s fu-
neral, 210–211; relations with
Chase, 217, 225–226, 227; presiden-
tial aspirations, 220, 221; relations
with Lincoln, 226; attempted assas-
sination, 236, 237
Seymour, Horatio P., 274
Sheridan, Philip, 213
Sherman, John, 105, 106, 107, 229, 230
Sherman, William T., 213, 236
Slavery: in Lincoln-Douglas debates, 4,
17, 59–60, 61; Lincoln’s views on, 5,
29–30, 31, 209, 220, 239–240;
Taney’s views on, 15–16, 17, 105,
196, 209; support for in Supreme
Court, 21–22; and Kansas-Nebraska
Act, 46, 58, 219; and Wilmot Pro-
viso, 178. See also Dred Scott v. Sand-
ford; Emancipation Proclamation.
See also names of individual justices
Smith, Caleb B.: secretary of the interior,
32, 114, 210, 222; as potential jus-
tice, 105; favors blockade, 123
Somerset v. Stewart, 41–42
Spalding, Rufus P., 230
Spaulding, Elbridge G., 223
Speed, James: attorney general, 231, 237,
243, 267; in Milligan, 250, 253, 254
Sprague, Kate (Chase), 220, 225, 235,
Sprague, Peleg, 127–129, 133, 134
Sprague, William, 225, 235
Stanbery, Henry, 253, 254, 265–266, 267
Stanford, Leland, 179
Stanton, Edwin M.: and Wisconsin
habeas decision, 89; draws up
Crittenden nomination, 95; ridicules
Lincoln, 235; conflict with Andrew
Johnson, 272; relinquishes post as
secretary of war, 273; confirmed as
associate justice, 280; dies before
taking oath, 280
Steiner, Bernard, 87
Steiner, Mark E., 3, 82
Stephens, Alexander H., 50
Stevens, John Paul, 310
Stevens, Thaddeus, 124, 125
Stone, Harlan Fiske, 309
Story, Joseph, 21, 33, 54, 78
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 218
Strader v. Graham, 43–44, 51
Stringham, Silas H., 120, 125–126, 127
Strong, George P., 254
Strong, George Templeton, 25, 209
Strong, William, 283, 285–286, 287
Stuart, John T., 116, 117
Sumner, Charles: recommends Dana,
127; and Lincoln, 127, 184, 297;
and Chase, 219, 229, 231, 235; rec-
ommended for chief justice, 230;
and John Rock, 243–245; opposes
bust for Taney, 292–299; death, 298
Surratt, Mary, 297
Swayne, Noah H.: as potential justice,
98, 106; background and character-
istics, 106–107; nominated and con-
firmed as justice, 107; complains
about Eames’s argument, 135
Swett, Leonard, 115, 116, 117
Swisher, Carl Brent, 10, 91, 196, 198,
Taney, Roger Brooke: on secession, 6, 16–
17, 194–196; and Jackson, 10, 14–
15, 16, 21; background, 10, 14–15,
20–21; southern sympathies, 10,