550 index
Poland (cont’d)
and Holocaust 476, 478–83
and memories of WWII and
Holocaust 486, 489, 491, 497–9
and WWI 228, 230, 237, 239–40,
and WWII xix, 369, 388, 394, 434,
436–7, 451, 457–8, 462, 464–6,
Poliakov, Leon 491
Polish Corridor 266, 273, 333–4, 457
Polish-Ukrainian war 250
Political Combat Leagues 286–7
Poole, Eric 219
Popp, Adelheid 40
Porter, Edwin S. 160
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A
(Joyce) 156
Portugal 84, 125, 136, 311–13, 319–22,
Posen 230, 273
Post, Ken 138
Potsdam 437
Pound, Ezra 57, 61, 154–5, 157–8
Poznan 413
Prague 53, 57, 250, 414, 476
Presser, Jacques 496
primitivism 58, 159
Primo de Rivera, José Antonio 322
Primo de Rivera, Miguel 320, 323
Prinz, Michael 360–1, 366
Problem in Greek Ethics, A (Symonds) 86
prostitution 13, 31, 68, 84–5, 87, 90, 93,
95, 271, 368
Proust, Marcel 153
psychoanalysis 87, 95, 152–3, 162
Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing) 86
Pudovkin, Vsevolod 60, 348
quantum mechanics 20–1, 23, 26, 31
Queen Elizabeth (Porter) 161
Quisling, Vidkun 457, 462–4
Radical Party (France) 381, 383–5, 387
Ragtime (Stravinsky) 346
Rallis, Ioannis 457
Rapallo, Treaty of 327, 340
Rassemblement Populaire 382–3
Rassenhygien 12
Rathbone, Eleanor 44
Ravensbrück 492
Reagan, Ronald 491
Rebelión de las masas (Ortega y
Gasset) 377
Red Army 251, 283, 294, 298, 414, 420,
427–38, 440, 442, 446, 448, 458
Reddy, William 140
Reich, Wilhelm 87
Reinsurance Treaty 181
relativity (theory of) 20–1, 29
Renner, Karl 251
Renoir, Jean 348
Reparations 267, 271–4, 328, 331–2, 335,
337, 436–7
Repas de bébé (Lumieres) 160
Representation of the People Act
(1918) 43
Republican Association of War Veterans
(ARAC) 283
Republican Left (Izquierda
Republicana) 386
Revue d’économie politique 8
Revue des deux mondes 8
Rhineland 230–1, 266–7, 269, 273, 332,
334–5, 337, 384, 409, 422, 426
Rhondda, Lady 44
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 410, 419, 428,
Ribot, Alexandre 231
Richardson, Dorothy 162
Richet, Charles 12
Riefenstahl, Leni 62
Riezler, Kurt 206
Riley, Denise 36
Rise of Modern Europe 136
Rite of Spring (Stravinsky) 159–60
Rivers, W. H. R. 218–19
Rodchenko, Alexander 60
and Balkan wars 99
between the wars 311–12, 318, 321,
330, 335, 422, 426
and Holocaust 479, 481, 483, 501
and WWI 230–2, 235, 238, 240, 251
and WWII 430, 435, 457, 462–3,
Romanian Legion 317–18
Rome 76, 249, 255
Rome-Berlin Axis 384, 493
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 104, 426, 430–4,
436, 498
Rosenberg, Arthur 255