index 545
Harris, Sir Arthur 399
Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi 246
Hausmann, Raoul 59
Headlam-Morley, Sir James 262
Healey, Denis 441
Heartfield, John 59
Heidegger, Martin 31
Heimat (Homeland – television
miniseries) 491
Heimwehr 314, 318, 322, 379–80
Heisenberg, Werner 19, 21, 29, 54
Hennings, Emmy 58
Henry James (Ford) 153
Herzfelde, Wieland 59
Heydrich, Reinhard 479
Heymann, Lida Gustava 42
Himmler, Heinrich 479, 481
Hindenburg, General Paul von 234, 236,
238, 239–40, 252
Hipper, Admiral Franz 253
Hirschfeld, Gerhard 463
Hirschfeld, Magnus 84, 86, 88
History of Sexuality, The (Foucault) 85
Hitler, Adolf xix, xxiii, 110, 309–10, 322,
333, 356, 375, 378, 400, 443
coming to power 286, 318, 359, 380
and expansionism 76, 99, 229, 269,
274, 335–7, 369, 383–4, 387–8
and Holocaust 473, 475–6, 478, 491–4
and origins of WWII xxvii, 407–20
policies in power 26, 77, 360–1, 364–7,
447, 450
and USSR 304–5, 382, 394, 425–8,
and WWII 400, 428–34, 437, 448, 450,
452, 457–8, 462–3
Hitler Youth 77–8, 81, 365, 447
Hitler’s Willing Executioners
(Goldhagen) 493
Hobsbawm, E. J. 136–7, 144–5, 148, 456
Hollywood 347–8, 353, 355
Holocaust (television miniseries) 491
Holstein, Freidrich von 184
Holton, Sandra 39, 43
Holtzendorff, Admiral Henning von 229
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell) 309
Home Army (Poland) 497
Home Rule (Irish) 169–70
homosexuality 85–8, 368, 461, 473
Hopkins, A. G. 121
Horkheimer, Max 29–31
Horthy, Admiral Miklós 251, 315, 318–
20, 462
House, Colonel Edward M. 237–8, 266
Howard, Sir Esmé 264
Hubble, Edwin 23
Huelsenbeck, Richard 58–9
Hulme, T. E. 154
before WWI 12, 42, 58
between the wars 136, 274, 292, 379,
and peace settlement 266, 268
and revisionism 329–30, 335
and WWI 230, 232, 249–51
and WWII 435–6, 457, 462–3, 479,
481, 483, 487, 501
Hunger March of 1932 16
Husserl, Edmund 31
Huxley, Aldous 12
Ideal Marriage (Van de Velde) 94
Ilya Ehrenberg, Ilya 63
imagism 61, 154–6, 159, 162
Imperial War Museum 499
impressionism 51, 54–5, 57, 152–3, 156,
Independent Committee for a German
Peace 229, 240
Independent Labour Party (ILP) 40, 42
Independent Social Democratic Party
(USPD) 253–5
Innes, Christopher 158
Integralismo Lusitano 311, 318–19
Intermediate Sex, The (Carpenter) 86
International Alliance of Women 46
International Brigades 306, 309
International Conference for Sexual Reform
on the Basis of Sexual Science 88
International Proletarian Women’s Day 38
International Woman Suffrage Alliance
(IWSA) 40, 42, 46
International Women’s Day 246
International Writers Congress for the
Defense of Culture 63
Internationale Gesellschaft für
Sexualfortschung (INGESE) 88
Interpol 3
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud) 51,
Ireland 41, 43–4, 83, 103–4, 169–70,
175, 236, 310, 485