3 Granular Material Flows
Here are a few more examples of granular flows: grains such as corn or wheat
flowing from a silo; landslides of boulders and debris; rock and ice collisions in
planetary rings; transport and handling of coal or certain chemicals in indus-
trial plants; powder metallurgy; powder spray coating and lava flow in volcanic
A good understanding of the physics of granular flows is of paramount im-
portance in order to design efficient industrial processing and handling systems.
The significance of this is apparent when one considers the following data:
– In the chemical industry approximately one-half of the products and at least
three-quarters of the raw materials are in granular form.
– Landslides cause more than one billion dollars of property damage and at
least 25 fatalities in the United States annually (FEMA).
– In Mexico 5 million tons of corn are handled each year, 30% of which is lost
due to poor handling systems.
Even small increases in efficiency can make a significant economic impact.
So far, there still is a poor understanding of how to model granular materials
mathematically. Most of the knowledge is empirical and no general approach
for analyzing these flows exists. So what can the mathematical modeling be
based upon? Clearly, granular material flows are a special topic in the physics
of dissipative systems, consisting of dilute systems of inelastically colliding par-
ticles. As common for open systems, granular materials reveal a rich variety
of self-organized structures such as large scale clusters, vortex fields, char-
acteristic shock waves and others, which are still far from being completely
Most basically, granular flow modeling is often done with molecular dynam-
ics techniques, treating the interactions of individual grains in the material. This
technique requires a significant computational overhead and has been to a large
extent replaced by continuum models (see [1]). In recent years, granular flows
were studied in many aspects from a kinetic point of view, by means of tech-
niques borrowed from the kinetic theory of rarefied gases. The main difference
of granular models and the classical kinetic theory of ideal gases (see Chapter 1)
lies in the loss of conservation of the second moment of the solution (the energy),
which leads to new mathematical questions in kinetic flow equations and the
derived hydrodynamics (limit of validity, closure, role of the cooling state).
In a granular gas, the microscopic dynamics of grains heavily depend on the
so called restitution coefficient e which relates the normal components of the
particle velocities before and after a collision. If we assume that the grains are
identical perfect spheres (in
)ofdiameterD>0, (x, v)and(x − Dn, w)are
their states before a collision, where n ∈ S
is the unit vector along the center of
both spheres, and x the position vector of the center of the first sphere, the post
collisional velocities (v
, w
− w
) · n = −e
(v − w) · n
. (3.1)