2 The Navier–Stokes and Euler Equations – Fluid and Gas Dynamics
case, the so called p-system, without external force:
= 0
+ p(ρ)
= 0
This is a nonlinear hyperbolic system, degenerate at the vacuum state
ρ = 0.
For an extensive study of the Riemann problem we refer to [7] and for the
compactness, to [8].
Finally, we remark that the incompressible inviscid Saint–Venant system of
hydrology has the mathematical structure of an isotropic compressible Euler
system with quadratic pressure law in 1 or, resp., 2 dimensions, where the spatial
ground fluctuations play the role of an external force field.
Comments on the Figs. 2.1–2.4 An important assumptionin the derivationof the
Saint–Venant system from the Euler or, resp., Navier–Stokes equations – apart
from the shallow water condition – is a smallness assumption on the variation
of the bottom topography, i.e. grad Z has to be small. Clearly, this restricts the
applicability of the model, in particular its use for waterfall modelling. Recently,
an extension of the Saint–Venant system was presented in [1], which eliminates
all assumptions on the bottom topography. There the curvature of the river
bottom is taken into account explicitely in the derivation from the hydrostatic
Euler system (assuming a small fluid velocity in orthogonal direction to the fluid
bottom).Weremark thatextensions of the Saint–Venantmodelstogranular flows
(like debris avalanches) exist in the literature, see also [1].
Comments on the Figs. 2.5–2.6 Turbulent flows
are charcacterized by seem-
ingly chaotic, random changes of velocities, with vortices appearing on a variety
of scales, occurring at sufficiently large Reynolds number
. Non-turbulent flows
are called laminar, represented by streamline flow, where different layers of the
fluid are not disturbed by scale interaction. Simulations of turbulent flows are
highly complicated and expensive since small and large scales in the solutions of
fying attempts (‘turbulence modeling’) exist, typically based on time-averaging
the Navier–Stokes equations and using (more or less) empirical closure con-
ditions for the correlations of velocity fluctuations. The flows depicted in the
Figs. 2.5 and 2.6 are highly turbulent, with apparent micro-scales.
We remark that the turbulent parts of the flows depicted in the Figs. 2.1–2.6
are two-phase flows, due to the air bubbles entrained close to the free water-air
surface interacting with the turbulent water flow.
Fig. 2.5. Turbulent Flow, Cascada de Agua Azul, Chiapas, Mexico