The kingdom of the Franks to 1108 125
given the duchy of Burgundy, originally intended for Henry. Constance and
Robert’s final son, Odo, received no territory from his parents, and in later
years he frequently fomented rebellions against the king.
After King Robert II died in 1031,on20 July, the queen began a brief war
against her sons, for reasons that are not clear, but after this Henry settled
down to some thirty years of relative obscurity as king. He married at least one
German princess named Matilda, and may indeed have married two, for the
Vita of Emperor Conrad dates the death of his daughter Matilda, desponsata to
Henry, to 1034, while the Miracula Sancti Benedicti states that Queen Matilda
died in 1044, when a child was taken from her by Caesarean section.
neither Matilda bore Henry living sons. Finally, in 1051, after twenty years
as king, Henry married Anna, daughter of Jaroslav I, archduke of Kiev. The
French kings had been having difficulties for three generations in finding brides
of suitably elevated status to whom they were not already related, and a Russian
princess (contemporary chronicles called Jaroslav a king), of the first generation
to be raised as Christians, was a welcome if novel solution.
By Anna, Henry had three sons, named Philip, Robert and Hugh. Philip
was born in 1052, within a year of his parents’ marriage. The name Philip,
given to the royal heir and very common among later Capetians, probably
entered the lineage via Anna’s Russian connections; Anna’s grandmother had
been of a Macedonian dynasty that claimed descent from Philip of Macedon.
Of the younger two sons of Henry I, Robert died young, and Hugh (d. 1102)
became count of Vermandois by marriage with Adela, daughter of Heribert IV
of Vermandois. King Henry died on 4 August 1060.
philip i
Philip I (1060–1108), who was described in almost uniformly negative terms
by his contemporaries, is best known to modern scholarship for his marital
problems. He had been associated with his father on the French throne at
Pentecost of 1059, consecrated by the archbishop of Rheims, before an assembly
of French bishops and secular lords. Since he was no more than eight when
his father died in the following year, the kingdom was governed for several
years by his uncle Baldwin V of Flanders, who had married a sister of Henry I.
Baldwin had been Henry’s choice, an interesting one considering that Henry’s
brother Robert, duke of Burgundy, might have been a more obvious selection.
Baldwin exercised effective control over his nephew and the kingdom until his
own death in 1067; the queen-mother, Anna, who also assisted in the regency
Wipo, ‘Vita Chuonradi’, p. 32; Miracula sancti Benedicti vii.3;Vajay (1971), pp. 241–56.
Bouchard (1981b), p. 277.
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