roles and can to some degree compensate for the lac k of each other. These
“rescued,” tip growing rhd2 root hairs show a normal tip-focused Ca
(Monshausen et al. 2007). This observation suggests that the ROS-dependent gating
of apical Ca
channels via the action of NADPH oxidase C is not a required
component of the tip growth process, with either another ROS-producing enzyme,
or other channel system such as the stretch-activated conductances, compensating
for the loss of AtRBOHC-dependent events. Again, this may not be too surprising if
the tip growth machinery has multiple redundant regulatory mechanisms to ensure
the correct balance between wall rigidity, growth, and turgor pressure.
It is also important to note that lesions in the NADPH oxidases not only disrupt
tip growth but also have more widespread effects on organ growth and develop-
ment. rhd2 plants show root elongation that is retarded by appro ximately
20% (Foreman et al. 2003; Renew et al. 2005) and lesions in another two of the
Arabidopsis NADPH oxidases, AtRBOH D and F also show reduced growth
(Torres and Dangl 2005). Thus, there may well be key parallels between the series
of Ca
-, ROS-, and pH-related events defined from tip growth and growth
responses seen elsewhere in the plant. This idea is supported by observations on
mechanical sensing throughout the plant as described below.
6 Calcium and Mechanical Signal Transduction
Mechanical stimulation of the plant either by point contact, shaking, wind or by
bending elicits an increase in cytosolic Ca
levels with an initial rapid, transient
elevation of a few seconds that, depending on stimulus type, can be followed by a
slower more sustained increase lasting tens of seconds (reviewed in Monshausen
et al. 2008b). Initial experiments indicated that these changes could not be prevented
by putative blockers of plasma membrane channels, such as La
, implying that they
were being generated by release from internal Ca
stores. However, we now know
that high extracellular Ca
can effectively compete with La
and so suppress its
effects on Ca
changes (Monshausen et al. 2009; Monshausen et al. 2008a). When
extracellular Ca
is lowered to below 1 mM, La
is effective at blocking mechani-
cally induced Ca
increases (Monshausen et al. 2009), suggesting that at least the
initial Ca
influx in response to touch is dependent on influx across the plasma
membrane. Whether the second phase of the response requires a “priming” influx
across the plasma membrane triggering calcium-induced calcium release from
internal stores remains to be determined.
Imaging of these mechanically induced Ca
responses in e.g. the root
undergoing mechanical stimulation, has shown that there are in fact distinct
patterns to the Ca
increase dependent on the kind of stimulation. Point contact
that may mimic, for example, the initial events of fungal invasion (Hardham et al.
2008), elicits a localized Ca
increase that spreads from the point of contact on the
cell (Monshausen et al. 2009). In cont rast, in roots undergoin g bending, such as
occurs when they grow into a barrier in the soil, a biphasic Ca
increase is elicited
Calcium, Mechanical Signaling, and Tip Growth 49