cofactor which carries an ankyrin-repeat and a BTB domain. Together, they play a
critical role in controlling the expression of disease-resistance genes such as PR1,
although the detailed mechanism deserves further elucidation (Durrant and Dong
2004). The CaM binding to TGA3 enhances its interaction with target promoter
(Szymanski et al. 1996). Whether CaM binding to TGA3 has any impact on disease
resistance remains unknown.
AtSRs/CaMTAs are the best characterized CaM-binding transcription factors in
plants as well as in animals. The first report of an AtSR/CaMTA family member
being a Ca
/CaM-binding protein was published in 2000 (Yang and Poovaiah
2000b). Accum ulated data have revealed that AtSR/CaMTA homologs belong to a
conserved family and exist in multicellular eukaryotes including plants, insects, and
mammals (Reddy et al. 2000; Bouche et al. 2002; Yang and Poovaiah 2002a; Choi
et al. 2005 ). AtSRs/CaMTAs share a conserved domain structure with a sequence-
specific CG-1 DNA binding domain in the N-terminal region, followed by a
transcription activation domain (TAD), a transcription factor immunoglobulin
(TIG)-like nonspecific DNA-binding domain, ankyrin repeats (ANK), and tandem
repeats of IQ motifs joined to a canonical calmodulin-binding domain (CaMBD) in
the C-terminal region. During the last few years, there have been some exciting
developments regarding the functional significance of this group of transcription
factors. In Arabidopsis, two T-DNA knockout lines of AtSR1/CaMTA3 were
shown to exhibit autonomous lesion and leaf chlorosis, elevated expression of
pathogensis-related (PR) genes, and enhanced resistance against Pseudomonas
syringae, a biotrophic pathogen (Galon et al. 2008; Du et al. 2009). The constitutive
defense phenotypes displayed by AtSR1/CaMTA3 loss-of-function mutations were
correlated with elevated accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), indicating that AtSR1/
CaMTA3 acts as a negative regulator of SA-mediated immune responses (Du et al.
2009). Since SA is an adequate inducer of systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
which is effective against a broad range of pathogens (Durrant and Dong 2004),
it is not surprising to see that atsr1/camta3 null mutants also showed increased
resistance to necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea (Galon et al. 2008).
A typical AtSR1/CaMTA3 recognition site exists in the 1 kb promoter region of
EDS1, a critical player for the induced production of salicylic acid, and the
transcription of EDS1 was found to be negatively regulated by AtSR1 in a cal mod-
ulin-binding-dependent manner (Du et al. 2009). OsCBT, an AtSR/CaMTA homo-
log in rice, was also found to act as a negative regulator of disease resistance in rice.
A T-DNA insertion line, oscbt-1, exhibits a partial dwarf phenotype and enhanced
resistance to both the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea and bacterial pathogen
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Koo et al. 2009). In a different line of study, the
conserved DNA motif 2 (CM2: CCGCGT), a typical AtSR/CaMTA recognition
sequence in the promoter of cold responsive CBF2, was found to confer both
positive and negative regulation to the expression of CBF2 (Doherty et al. 2009).
Expression of endogenous CBF2 is remarkably compromis ed in atsr1/camta3 null
mutant, and this decrease can be restored by complementation of AtSR1/CaMTA3
under the control of 35 S promoter or by introducing another null mutation in
AtSR2/CaMTA1, imply ing that the transcription of CBF2 is positively regulated by
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