16 Chapter 1
Thermogravimetric analysis
Measures the weight loss as catalyst composition changes at
increasing temperature with oxidizing or inert atmospheres.
Differential thermal analysis
Measures the exo-or endothermal temperature changes taking place
as catalysts are heated in oxidizing or inert atmospheres.
Temperature programmed
Measures the reducibility of oxides in catalyst samples in reducing
There are several steps during the catalytic reaction before a gas molecule is
available for reaction at the active surface. First, it must (a) pass through the gas
film surrounding the catalyst particle, (b) diffuse through the catalyst pores and
reach an active site, and (c) adsorb on the active site to react with adjacent
molecules. Products then (d) desorb from the active site, (e) return through the
catalyst pores to the catalyst surface, and (f) re-enter the gas phase.
This process is dynamic and may depend on the reacting molecules moving
from site to site until reaction takes place and products can desorb. Under ideal
conditions, there would be no film or pore diffusion limitations but, practically,
these are often encountered in catalytic reactions, particularly when large rings
or pellets operate at a relatively low linear velocity.
Simple screening tests can be developed for most reactions to compare the
activity of different catalysts. It is important, however, to standardize operating
conditions and to operate well away from equilibrium conversion, to obtain the
most useful results. To avoid all diffusion limitations, catalyst samples are
normally tested at a high linear velocity with small crushed particles. Test units
operate with pure gas mixtures and the effects of typical poisons must be
considered in separate tests. Until the 1960s, the screening tests operated at
atmospheric pressure and compared the performance of new catalysts with an
accepted standard at constant space velocity.
TABLE 1.10. Chemical and Structural Analyses of Industrial Catalysts.
Test Result
Electron microscopy Used to study the surface structure and composition of
catalysts and has extended the use of optical microscopy in
determining the characteristics of particles.
Scanning electron microscopy
Electrons scan the surface of the sample and give a magnifi-
cation of 20,000–50,000. It can focus on sizes down to 5
nm. This gives crystallite shape, size, and size distribution.
Transmission electron microscopy
Higher magnification and resolution possible to give three-
dimensional images of crystallites down to 0.5 nm and
changes during operation.
Electron spectroscopy for chemical
analysis (ESCA) better known as
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Can analyze for all elements and atomic electron binding
energies to give structural data and compound types in
surface layers.