Oxidation Catalysts 121
chromium, manganese, and bismuth. A 12-ft diameter bed of catalyst (5–10 mm
granules), 6-in deep, was used and gave an overall efficiency of 80–85% at 700–
C. Iron oxide/bismuth oxide/manganese dioxide mixtures were studied as
ammonia oxidation catalysts in the 1940s and were found to produce up to 80%
yields of nitrous oxide between 300–400
C, but nitric oxide was formed at tem-
peratures above 400
The most significant early developments came when Professor Ostwald in
Leipzig began his experiments on ammonia oxidation and published his results
in 1902.
The application for a German patent was disallowed because of
Kuhlmann’s earlier patent. Ostwald had developed his interest following the
encouragement of Professor Pfeffer at Bonn in response to Sir William Crookes’
address to the British Association in 1898. In 1909 Ostwald was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his process, which was of vital importance in the
production of fertilizer. He used platinum catalysts and obtained the best results
with a coil of platinum foil as the catalyst at a very high linear gas velocity and
removing the products from the tube as quickly as possible. He went on to
define appropriate operating conditions in a pilot unit that gave 85% conversion
and started a production unit at Bockum in May 1906 that produced 300 kg
. The life of 50 g of catalyst was 4–6 weeks.
As a result of this success a second plant was built by 1908 giving a 53%
yield and producing 3 tonnes day
. Although the Ostwald process had the dis-
advantage of using a large amount of platinum and had poor temperature con-
more or less the same conditions were used for about 30 years, but with
many improvements in the plant design and the form of the catalyst.
In 1911 Karl Kaiser introduced preheating of the air up to 300–400
C be-
fore passing it through four platinum gauzes in a square reactor. The gauze was
a 1050 mesh of 0.06-mm wire that was alloyed with traces of palladium or iridi-
um and produced 1.5 tonnes of ammonia per square foot per day with a life of
three months. This corresponded to 90–92% conversion in plants operating in
Kharkoff, Russia, and in England.
Caro and Frank, who had been granted several patents by 1914,
the first process to be used on a large scale. The first plant was built at the Bay-
erische Stickstoffwerke and was later engineered by BAMAG (Berlin An-
haltische Maschinenbau AG), who built 30 plants. The nitrogen oxides produced
were initially used in the sulfuric acid lead chamber process but were eventually
used to make all the nitric acid needed by Germany in the later stages of World
War I. Following developments by BAMAG, three autothermal platinum gauzes
of 80 mesh/in with 0.0026-in wire were used at 650–750
C with 10% ammonia
in air and gave a 6-month lifetime. About 0.75 tonnes day
of ammonia per
square foot of gauze was produced at 92% conversion in a plant operated at
Hoechst by Meister, Lucius, and Bruning.
American Cyanamid operated the first US plant in 1916 and the Air Nitrates
Corporation was formed in 1917 to build 700 nitric acid units and produce