In the constant-current mode, the current is maintained at a level such that the power
output at the cutoff voltage is equal to the level required for acceptable equipment perform-
ance. Thus both current and power throughout the discharge are lower than for the constant-
resistance mode. The average current drain on the battery is lower and the discharge time
or service life to the end of the battery life is longer.
In the constant-power mode, the current is lowest at the beginning of the discharge and
increases as the battery voltage drops in order to maintain a constant-power output at the
level required by the equipment. The average current is lowest under this mode of discharge,
and hence, the longest service time is obtained.
It should be noted that the extent of the advantage of the constant-power discharge mode
over the other modes of discharge is dependent on the discharge characteristics of the battery.
The advantage is higher with battery systems that require a wide voltage range to deliver
their full capacity.
3.2.4 Example of Evaluation of Battery Performance Under Different
Modes of Discharge
Thus, in evaluating or comparing the performance of batteries, because of the potential
difference in performance (service hours) due to the mode of discharge, the mode of dis-
charge used in the evaluation or test should be the same as that in the application. This is
illustrated further in Fig. 3.7.
Figure 3.7a shows the discharge characteristics of a typical ‘‘AA’’-size primary battery
with the values for the discharge loads for the three modes of discharge selected so that the
hours of discharge to a given end voltage (in this case, 1.0 volt) are the same. This is the
same condition shown in Fig. 3.5b. (This example illustrates the condition when a resistive
load, equivalent to the average current, is used, albeit incorrectly, as a ‘‘simpler’’ less-costly
test to evaluate a constant current or constant power application.) Although the hours of
service to the given end voltage is obviously the same because the loads were pre-selected,
the discharge current vs. discharge time and power vs. discharge time curves (see Figs. 3.5a
and c respectively), show significantly different characteristics for the different modes of
Figure 3.7b shows the same three types of discharge as Fig. 3.7a, but on a battery that
has about the same ampere-hour capacity (to a 1.0 volt end voltage) as the battery illustrated
in Fig. 3.7a. The battery illustrated in Fig. 3.7b, however, has a lower internal resistance
and a higher operating voltage. Note, by comparing the voltage vs. discharge time curves in
Fig. 3.7b, that, although the voltage level is higher, the ‘‘hours of discharge’’ obtained on
the constant resistance discharge to the 1.0 volt cutoff in Fig. 3.7b is about the same as
obtained on Fig. 3.7a. However, the hours of service obtained on the constant current dis-
charge and, particularly, the constant power discharge are significantly higher.
In Fig. 3.7a, the discharge loads were deliberately selected to give the same ‘‘hours of
service’’ to 1.0 volt at the three modes of discharge. Using these same discharge loads, but
with a battery having different characteristics, Fig. 3.7b shows that different ‘‘hours of ser-
vice’’ and performance are obtained with the different modes of discharge. To the specified
1.0 volt end voltage, the longest ‘‘hours of service’’ are obtained with the constant power
discharge mode. The shortest service time is obtained with the constant resistance discharge
mode and the constant current mode is in the middle position. This clearly illustrates that,
on application tests, where performance is measured in ‘‘hours of service,’’ erroneous results
will be obtained if the mode of discharge used in the test is different from that used in the
It is recognized that the performance differences obtained when comparing batteries are
directly dependent on the differences in battery design and performance characteristics. With
batteries that are significantly different in design and characteristics, the performance ob-
tained on test will be quite different as shown in the comparisons between Figs. 3.7a and