7.3.3 Specific Energy and Specific Power
Figure 7.3 presents a comparison of the specific energy (also called gravimetric energy
density) of the different primary battery systems at various discharge rates at 20
⬚C. This
figure shows the hours of service each battery type (normalized to 1-kg battery weight) will
deliver at various power (discharge current
⫻ midpoint voltage) levels to an end voltage
usually specified for that battery type. The energy density can then be determined by
Specific energy
⫽ specific power ⫻ hours of service
⫻ V ⫻ h
Wh/kg ⫽ W/kg ⫻ h ⫽or
The conventional zinc-carbon battery has the lowest energy density of the primary bat-
teries shown, with the exception, at low discharge rates, of the cadmium/mercuric oxide
battery due to the low voltage of the latter electrochemical couple. The zinc-carbon battery
performs best at light discharge loads. Intermittent discharges, providing a rest or recovery
period at intervals during the discharge, improve the service life significantly compared with
a continuous discharge, particularly at high discharge rates.
The ability of each battery system to perform at high current or power levels is shown
graphically in Fig. 7.3 by the drop in slope at the higher discharge rates. The 1000-Wh/kg
line indicates the slope at which the capacity or energy density of the battery remains constant
at all discharge rates. The capacity of most battery systems decreases with increasing dis-
charge rate, and the slope of the linear portion of each of the other lines is less than that of
the theoretical 1000-Wh/kg line. Furthermore, as the discharge rate increases, the slope drops
off more sharply. This occurs at higher discharge rates for the battery types that have the
higher power capabilities.
The performance of the zinc-carbon battery falls off sharply with increasing discharge
rate, although the heavy-duty zinc chloride version of the zinc-carbon battery (see Chap. 8)
gives better performance under the more stringent discharge conditions. The zinc/alkaline/
manganese dioxide battery, the zinc/mercuric oxide battery, the zinc/silver oxide battery,
and the magnesium/manganese dioxide battery all have about the same specific energy and
performance at 20
⬚C. The zinc/air system has a higher specific energy at the low discharge
rates, but falls off sharply at moderately high loads, indicating its low specific power. The
lithium batteries are characterized by their high specific energy, due in part to the higher
cell voltage. The lithium /sulfur dioxide battery and some of the other lithium batteries are
distinguished by their ability to deliver this higher capacity at the higher discharge rates.
Volumetric energy density is, at times, a more useful parameter than gravimetric specific
energy, particularly for button and small batteries, where the weight is insignificant. The
denser batteries, such as the zinc /mercuric oxide battery, improve their relative position when
compared on a volumetric basis, as shown in Table 7.4 and Fig. 7.9. The chapters on the
individual battery systems include a family of curves giving the hours of service each battery
system will deliver at various discharge rates and temperatures.