78 3 Methods of Noise Reduction
The phase displacement of the signals )(
tu and )(tu is
rad, likewise in the
second-order object. The ratio of voltage magnitudes depends on the order of
object, in a similar way like in the case of Nuttall window.
3.5 Kalman Filter
So far the reduction of noise by filtering, with the application of the weighted
mean methods, has been discussed. Kalman filter method is another quite popular
way, often used in practice, to achieve this aim. It is applied to a linear discrete
dynamic object. For such a object, the recurrent algorithm of minimum variance
estimator of the state vector is being developed. This aim is achieved through the
use of the output of dynamic object given by the discrete state equations
For Kalman filter, it is assumed that both the measurement and the conversion
process inside the object are burdened with an error described by the standardized
normal distribution. Fig. 3.11 shows the block diagram of the object represented
by Eq. (3.44)
Fig. 3.11 Block diagram of discrete dynamic object
vector of input signal of m dimension, )(kx and
−+ )1(kx
state vectors of
n dimension at time k and ,1+k
vector of output signal of p dimension,
vector)( −kw
of object noise of n dimension,
measurement noise vector of
p dimension,
state matrix,
input matrix, −
k)(C output matrix,
k)(D direct transmission matrix
The following assumptions are introduced for the synthesis of Kalman filter:
The deterministic component of the input signal )(ku equals zero
In case of control lack, the state variable oscillates around zero
=kE x