Chapter 1
14. If you want to run the server version of ADempiere, then change the directory
to <ADEMPIERE_HOME>\utils and run RUN_Server2.bat. This will deploy
ADempiere in JBoss, which is distributed along with it, and start the JBoss server.
After the server has been started, you may verify your ADempiere installation by
accessing the following URL from the browser of your choice —http://localhost:8080/
webui—8080 is the default JBoss port. If it is different in your case, replace 8080
with your JBoss' port number. This needs to be done to ensure that the port that you
are using for your JBoss server instance is free; otherwise the server will not run.
To stop the server, you shall run RUN_Server2Stop.bat.
How it works...
First, we create the database and import the ADempiere data dump using steps 1 through
to 3. In steps 4 through to 10, we complete the initial setup of our ADempiere instance with
details such as database detail, mail server detail, and so on, so that it is ready to run. Steps
11 through to 13 helps us to run the desktop as the well as web version of ADempiere.
There's more...
Alternatively, to import ADempiere schema and the initial (GardenWorld) data, you may go to
the <ADEMPIERE_HOME>\utils folder and run the RUN_ImportAdempiere.bat le.
See also
f Creating installer from the source code
Debugging the ADempiere client application
(Desktop version)
Debugging the client version is pretty straightforward and quick. In this recipe, we will see how
to congure the project in Eclipse so that we can debug ADempiere when we run it as a client
application (the Swing version).
Getting ready
Before we can run ADempiere, there are properties, specic to ADempiere, which need to be
congured properly for example, JDK location detail, application server detail, database detail,
SMTP detail (for e-mails), and so on. The following steps must be completed to ensure that
these properties are set up correctly:
1. In Eclipse, open the Open Resource window and select the le. It is
available under the install\src\org\compiere\install package of your
adempiere360lts project.