208 A. Krokhin, A. Bulatov, and P. Jeavons
It follows from Theorem 5.6 that CSP({r}), where r is a single relation in AIA, is NP-
complete if and only if r either satisfies r ∩ r
) or is a relation with r ∩ r
= ∅
and such that neither r nor r
is contained in one of (pmod
), (pmod
), (pmodsf)
and (
It was noted in [4, 5] that AIA (without its operations) is in fact a homogeneous rela-
tional structure. Since we may assume, without loss of generality, that all intervals under
consideration have rational endpoints, we obtain a countable homogeneous structure of fi-
nite signature. Therefore, by Theorem 5.4, the complexity classification problem for subsets
of AIA can be tackled using polymorphisms. Such an approach may provide a route to
simplifying the involved classification proof given in [55].
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