202 A. Krokhin, A. Bulatov, and P. Jeavons
Clearly, an instance of CSP(Γ) corresponds to an instance of QCSP(Γ) in which all the
quantifiers happen to be existential.
We note that in the Boolean case, the complexity of QCSP(Γ) has been completely classi-
fied (see Theorem 4.11). For problems over larger domains no complete classification has yet
been obtained, but there are a number of known results concerning the complexity of special
4.48 Example Consider the following Coloring Construction Game played by two
players, Player 1 and Player 2: given an undirected graph G =(V,E), a linear ordering on V
(i.e., a bijection f : V →{1,...,|V |}), an ownership function w : V →{1, 2} (that is, each
vertex v is “owned” by Player w(v)), and a finite set of colours D with |D|≥3. In the i’th
move, the player who owns vertex f
(i) (that is, Player w(f
(i))) colours it in one of |D|
available colours. Player 1 wins if all vertices are coloured at the end of the game.
Deciding whether Player 1 has a winning strategy in an instance of this game can be trans-
lated into an instance of the quantified version of the Graph |D|-colorability problem,
}). To make this translation we view elements from V as variables, elements of E
as constraint scopes, the relation =
as the only available constraint relation, the variables
from w
(1) as existentially quantified, the variables from w
(2) as universally quantified,
and the order of quantification as specified by the function f .
The problem QCSP({=
})wasshowntobePSPACE-complete [8].
It can be shown that, for quantified constraint satisfaction problems, surjective polymor-
phisms play a similar role to that played by arbitrary polymorphisms for ordinary CSPs (cf.
Theorem 4.9). Let s-Pol(Γ) denote the set of all surjective operations from Pol(Γ).
4.49 Theorem For any constraint languages Γ, Γ
⊆ R
finite, if s-Pol(Γ) ⊆
) is reducible to QCSP(Γ) in polynomial time.
This theorem follows immediately from the next two propositions.
4.50 Definition For any set Γ ⊆ R
, the set [Γ] consists of all predicates that can be
expressed using:
(1) predicates from Γ, together with the binary equality predicate =
on D,
(2) conjunction,
(3) existential quantification,
(4) universal quantification.
4.51 Proposition For any constraint languages Γ, Γ
⊆ R
finite, if [Γ
] ⊆ [Γ],
then QCSP(Γ
) is reducible to QCSP(Γ) in polynomial time.
4.52 Proposition For any constraint language Γ over a finite set, [Γ] = Inv(s-Pol(Γ)).
Note that Proposition 4.52 intuitively means that the expressive power of constraints in
the QCSP is determined by their surjective polymorphisms. Hence, in order to show that
some relation belongs to [Γ], one does not have give an explicit construction, but instead
one can show that is invariant under all surjective polymorphisms of Γ, which often turns
out to be significantly easier.