clerical work (Hsiung-nu), in other ones, there was the epic history of people wri„en down in
runes (Turks), while there is a tempta€on to call some of the typical nomadic empires (‰rst of
all, Mongolian Ulus of the ‰rst decades of XIII century) the states. This is, in par€cular,
supported by men€oning in Secret History of Mongols of the laws system (Yasa), legal organs of
power, wri„en clerical work and crea€on of laws (so called Blue book – Koko De•er Bichik) and
by a„empts to introduce a taxa€on under Ogbdei [Kradin 1995a]. However, one cannot forget
that in the Hsiung-nu empire a specialized bureaucra€c machinery and of elite's monopoly of
legi€mate applica€on o•eree. Just this circumstance provided a reason to interpret this society
as supercomplex.