410 Index
existential, 258, 287
simple, 259, 287, 306, 358
universal, 258, 358
asymptotic complexity, 11
atomic formula, 131
alternating, 277
auxiliary pushdown, 292, 367
B¨uchi, 155–159, 161, 283, 298,
finite, 9, 281, 291, 294, 302, 372
k-counter, 280
with linearly bounded
counters, 25, 275
k-headed, 26, 291, 319
Muller, 155, 157–159, 161, 347
one-counter, 280
Rabin, 155, 161, 167
two-counter, 280
automorphism, 137
auxiliary pushdown automaton, 292,
axiom, 134
axiom of choice, 37, 293
axioms of equality, 136
Babai, L´aszl´o, 102
back-and-forth argument, 137, 229,
364, 384
Baker, Theodore P., 171
balanced parentheses, 277, 326
Bennett, Charles, 171
Berlekamp, Elwyn, 95
Berman, Leonard, 140, 146, 151
Berman, Piotr, 175
Bernoulli trials, 211, 305
bilinear, 126
binary, 129
binary tree, 270
binomial distribution, 212
adjacency matrix, 79
graph, 79
matching, 79
Biswas, Somenath, 81, 90
Blum, Manuel, 4, 216, 231
Blum axioms, 231
algebra, 64, 204
free, 204, 380
decision diagram, 295
matrix multiplication, 67–68
Boppana, Ravi, 192
Borodin, Allan, 66, 216
bound occurrence, 131
bounded probabilistic polynomial
time, 74, 78
BPP, 74, 78, 82, 186
B¨uchi, J. Richard, 154
B¨uchi automaton, 155–159, 161, 283,
298, 343
determinization, 167–170
Cai, Jin-Yi, 299
Cantor–Schr¨oder–Bernstein theorem,
230, 310
cardinality, 369
carrier, 128
census function, 22, 175, 177
chain, 38, 39
-continuous, 39, 292, 293, 369,
Chandra, Ashok K., 44, 54
Chang, Richard, 172
function, 60, 194, 327, 374
of a field, 91, 95
string, 157
Chebyshev bound, 211, 305
checkmate, 52, 260
Chernoff bound, 199, 200, 212, 213,
305, 306
Chinese remainder theorem, 86–89,
97, 103, 106, 152
Church, Alonzo, 3, 4
Church’s thesis, 4
circuit, 31
arithmetic, 79
Boolean, 295
constant-depth, 192–210, 295
dual, 71, 194
parity, 198