292 Miscellaneous Exercises
17. An auxiliary pushdown automaton (APDA) is a TM equipped with a
single stack in addition to its worktape. In each step it can check for an
empty stack, and if it is nonempty, read the top element. It also reads the
symbols currently being scanned on its input and worktape. Based on
this information and its current state, it can push or pop a symbol from
a finite stack alphabet, write a symbol on its worktape, move its input
and worktape heads one cell in either direction, and enter a new state.
It may not read an element of the stack without popping the elements
above it off. Show that deterministic or nondeterministic APDAs with
S(n) workspace accept exactly the sets in DTIME (2
18. A map h :Σ
→ Γ
is a homomorphism if h(xy)=h(x)h(y) for all
strings x, y ∈ Σ
. It follows that h(ε)=ε. A homomorphism is non-
erasing if h(a) = ε for any a ∈ Σ. A family of sets C is closed un-
der nonerasing homomorphisms if for any nonerasing homomorphism
h, {h(x) | x ∈ A}∈C whenever A ∈ C.
(a) Show that NP is closed under nonerasing homomorphisms.
(b) Show that P is closed under nonerasing homomorphisms iff P =
19. Recall from Supplementary Lecture A that a complete partial order is
asetU with a partial order ≤ defined on it such that every subset
A ⊆ U has a supremum (least upper bound) sup A. Show that every
subset A ⊆ U also has a unique infimum (greatest lower bound) inf A
satisfying the following properties.
(a) For all y ∈ A,infA ≤ y (inf A is a lower bound for A).
(b) If for all y ∈ A, x ≤ y,thenx ≤ inf A (inf A is the greatest lower
20. Prove that a set operator is finitary iff it is chain-continuous.
21. (a) Prove that every chain-continuous operator on any complete partial
order is monotone.
(b) Give an example of a monotone set operator that is not chain-
22. Give an example of a complete partial order U , a monotone operator
τ on U,andasetA ⊆ U of prefixpoints such that sup A is not a
prefixpoint; thus sup A<inf PF
(sup A).